Audio: Why the Muslims Hate the West
7/12/2010 9:30:00 PM
Tuesday, 13 July 2010
Robert Reilly
Robert Reilly, author of the book, "The Closing of the Muslim Mind: How Intellectual Suicide Created the Modern Islamist Crisis " joins Tamar and talks about the lack of 'reason' and 'free will' in Islam today. A message that is important to understand, if the West is to survive. Also, Tamar expounds on one of the reasons that Muslims hate the West. The promiscuity, the New World Order values, or lack of them, and the lack of religious beliefs in general. All these make for a society that, though educated and 'enlightened', can sink to the level of a dog, and as low as nazism. A powerful show with a lot to think about.
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Britannia Radio