BBC Hall Of Shame – Who AreThe Barons Of Bias?
>> WEDNESDAY, JULY 21, 2010
Over at Andrew Breitbart's Big Journalism Warner Todd Huston has created a mouth watering list of the “Ten Most Left-Biased American Journalists”. To anyone familiar with the US political scene the names are predictable – Paul Krugman, Chuck Todd, Rick Sanchez and sundry other clones of Mohammed Saeed al-Sahhaf - and the list makes more sense if read in conjunction with Breitbart’s own takedown of the US media elite.
However regular readers of Biased BBC will be aware that the UK media contains a whole regiment of left wing hacks. Some of them, to be fair, inhabit the pages of newspapers and magazines that openly exhibit a left wing bias – but at least we are free to buy or not to buy such publications (and we' re not buying them – hence the blood seeping out of The Guardian, Independent and Mirror)
But the BBC is, supposedly, a politically neutral organisation financed by a compulsory levy of all those who own a television. It should therefore be above reproach. I fancy, though, that my rephrasing of Breitbart would ring many bells on this side of the pond...(my tweeks italicised)
The BBC loves whistleblowers. Just not when the whistle is blown on them.
The BBC loves transparency. As long as they’re not the ones being exposed.
No steadfast journalism rule is unbendable when it comes to justifying and protecting the racket that is modern journalism, specifically, political journalism in the BBC today. The ends justify the means for the BBC. They lie when they claim to be objective. They lie when they claim to be unbiased, because these so called “truth seekers” are guilty of engaging in open political warfare. And when the whistle is blown, they simply double down
So I invite all B-BBC readers (regulars and newbies) to look again at the Beeb Barons of Bias and suggest possible entrants to a BBC Hall of Shame. Just reach under the stone and bring Jeremy Bowen and his sort into the spotlight accompanied, hopefully, by a succinct justification for each choice.
Let’s see which shifty rodents are plucked out of their BBC holes and into the sunlight....
Inquiry Query
>> TUESDAY, JULY 20, 2010
Last year Richard Tait, head of the BBC’s Editorial Standards Committee was to chair an investigation into allegations of inaccuracy and bias by Jeremy Bowen. But Mr Tait had already proclaimed on air that he had complete confidence in Jeremy Bowen. So the outcome seemed a foregone conclusion.
One of the committee of the United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict, Christine Chinkin, made no secret of her bias against Israel, yet she was considered fit for purpose and remained in her post.
But three wrongs don’t make a right, and I hope the oleaginous 'uman rights lawyer Clive Stafford-Smith’s objections don’t overturn the appointment of Sir Peter Gibson to lead the inquiry into whether the UK has been complicit in the torture of terror suspects.
Kim Howells and Stafford-Smith, sounding alarmingly like Leslie Phillips, can be heard talking to John Humphrys here.
What? They’re accusing Clive of doing it because he’s trying to get his client Binyam Mohamed off! How very dare they!
International economics guru, Sanchia Berg, was on the BBC this morning to entertain us with an "analysis" of Ireland's economic woes. At first I was curious as to why the BBC seemed so interested in the fact that Moody's (They never saw the recession coming, why should we pay much attention to them now?) had downrated Irish credit worthiness - then it became clear. You see Ireland has actually TRIED to deal with out of control public sector spending by imposing wage cuts and the like. I salute the Irish for facing into financial reality. However Sanchia was not impressed and in the predictable BBC fetish that "you get out of a spending induced recession by spending even more"mode, suggested that Ireland was heading for a double dip recession because of foolishly trying to live within budget. The BBC agenda is to advance the Labour economic policy - the one that got us into the trouble. In doing so, they will seek to do down the Irish and any other country that dares suggest that responsible economic practice.
If it's 8.10am and it's the BBC's TODAY programme, you can be sure a Conservative will be under sustained attack. Yesterday, Sarah Montague let rip at Michael Gove, today we had John Humphyrs doing everything possible to get William Hague to agree that British deaths in Agfhanistan were a complete waste of time. Humphrys was on full-on "We're doomed and we shouldn't be there in the first place" mode and Hague had to think very quickly to deal with it. I thought he did OK but it was interesting to hear Humphyrs to spout out his own theory about the "drugged out of their own heads" Afghans. I though the BBC rather approved of narcotics?