>> WEDNESDAY, JULY 07, 2010
Here is a great take on how the BBC TWISTS words and headlines to suit its own selfish agenda. Great visual catch. Hat-tip to G.O.T.
I enjoyed this item picked up by another B-BBC reader....
Here's a great one from the BBC financial whizkids, Labour's years in power were in fact a golden age....http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/10516338.stm By Andy Verity
BBC2 Money Watch
'Good times for the country can be bad times for some individuals Here's a thing - the recession made the average household better off. And the recovery has done the opposite - even before new tax rises and spending cuts come into play. That is the message from a ground-breaking new series from the BBC which asks what the recession and subsequent recovery have truly done to your wealth.'
The BBC like to say VAT is an evil Tory regressive tax on the poor....but what about quantitative easing? This devalued the pound and raised inflation....a stealth tax on everyone? Andy Verity is one of the presenters of 5Live's 'Wake up to Money'....a programme which is sponsored by Alistair Darling &Co.....the favourite reprise of this programme is that the crash was caused by greedy bankers and the 'world recession'....not Gordon Brown and Labour spending.
They continually back Labour's plans to deal with the debt.....the example they cite every time is Japan in the 90's....unfortunately Japan actually indulged in massive government spending to try and get out of the recession...it took 10 years of stagnation...and they are still not out yet. This was pointed out to them in an interview. The next day the presenter stated exactly the same thing....Japan made too many cuts too quickly and 'disaster'.
A Biased BBC reader writes...
Last week the news featured Ken Clarke's sentencing proposals based on the premise that prison does not work. The UK public have been softened up for the last 30 years to believe this, to save money, and because the liberal left/anti prison lobby hold sway. The proposals are that basically no one, apart from on extremely rare occasions - burglars, thieves, robbers, or any other acquisitive criminal can expect prison. Community punishment will be the order of the day.
Then this morning the BBC4 at 7.30am 6/7/2010 ran a piece that vast amounts of fines imposed by magistrates courts as part of community sentences are simply not paid. At no point during the questioning of someone from the Lord Chancellors Department was the link made by the interviewer between this and last weeks proposal - Why?Of course we all know why. The BBC believes that Prison does not work and so will turn reality on its head to try and spew forth such nonsense.
As expected, the Muir Russell report into Climategate is a complete, farcical whitewash. People who know far more about the issues involved are still digesting the horror of it all, but it's already clear, here, here and here, that Sir Muir and his cronies from the scientific establishment grotesquely misrepresented or ignored the key points made by sceptics. The BBC of course, is in a completely different groove. To Richard Black, the headline is straightforward - vinidcation. The sceptics are nutters.
I will post more when the dust settles, but prepare for an evening of the sounds of BBC reporters applying that white paint. Meanwhile, James Delingpole carries on reporting the full horror of what Black and his cohorts are supporting: the spending of £50bn a year of our money on lunatic climate change schemes. I weep.