>> TUESDAY, JULY 13, 2010
The BBC in general, and Richard Black in particular, have been warning us for years, in typical alarmist fashion, that Greenland's ice is melting and we are all going to drown. This is what Mr Black wrote in 2009:
The Greenland ice sheet is losing its mass faster than in previous years and making an increasing contribution to sea level rise, a study has confirmed...The team used weather data, satellite readings and models of ice sheet behaviour to analyse the annual loss of 273 thousand million tonnes of ice...Melting of the entire sheet would raise sea levels globally by about 7m (20ft).
There are dozens more references to this Doomsday picture over the years; the tone throughout is that we are in serious danger; the sort of scenario that gives our kids nightmares. I searched in vain for any mention on the BBC wenbsite that such fears might be doubtful, that other scientists thought differently. Steve Goddard, though, on Watt's Up With That? is more rigorous in his approach. He's actually checked the Greenland ice records (unlike, it seems, Richard Black et al - never let the facts get in the way of good climate change scare), and found that not only were the stories based on cherry-picked data, but also that even those scientists who were predicting Armageddon some time back have now retracted:
Ice loss in Greenland has had some climatologists speculating that global warming might have brought on a scary new regime of wildly heightened ice loss and an ever-faster rise in sea level. But glaciologists reported at the American Geophysical Union meeting that Greenland ice’s Armageddon has come to an end.
Chances of Black and co reporting this? And of noting that Greenland, despite their scare stories, remains as cold and icy as ever? Zero.
Breaking News. Sshhh.
>> MONDAY, JULY 12, 2010
Just Journalism accuses the BBC of downplaying Hezbollah’s history of violence. They cite two pointedly non committal BBC articles about Hezbollah, save the brief, hastily written afterthoughts.
‘The US and Israel view Hezbollah as a terrorist group.’ and: ‘Hezbollah's military wing is proscribed in the UK as a terrorist organisation’
In case BBC viewers don’t know, Hezbollah is a genocidal Iran-backed Islamist terrorist organisation hell-bent on finishing off Israel for starters, and the rest of the western world for mains.
The ideology of Hezbollah has been summarised as Shi'i radicalism. Why the BBC wishes to play down such a threatening, terrible thing we can’t be sure, but the matter of intimidation looms in the background menacingly.
A B-BBC reader alerted me to this JPost article about recently declassified information concerning Hezbollah’s alarming rearmament campaign in south Lebanon.
The comments below the article unanimously feel that, in the eyes of the world, Israel is presumed guilty even before any event occurs, let alone a trial or a Goldstone-style report.
Echoing the successful strategy used by Hamas in Gaza, preparations in Lebanon, for the media war at least, take shape.
“Hizbullah has embedded its weapon caches, bunkers, command-and-control centers and missile stockpiles – and stationed its armed personnel – in and alongside hospitals, mosques, schools and homes.”
“Hizbullah and Hamas terrorists place themselves and their weapons in the heart of populated residential areas and launch rocket fire from there against Israel’s civilian population. When Israel is forced to come to the defense of its citizens, noncombatants on the enemy side, cynically placed in the line of fire by Hamas and Hizbullah, are unfortunately killed.”
The BBC knows that something of this sort is happening. Here’s an article from last April, painstakingly non judgmental and liberally sprinkled with quote marks, but it states that Hezbollah is arming with "improved" missiles, with Syrian and Iranian backing.
If the MSM plays this down, it paves the way for a repeat of the condemnation and outrage that cascaded down upon Israel from the BBC and media worldwide during Op. Cast Lead.
If, on the other hand, the BBC were to bring these latest developments to the attention of its audience, the situation would have to be looked at from aWestern perspective by the British Broadcasting Corporation this time round.
“With the UN dominated by states that are both hypercritical of Israel and unwilling or unable to make moral distinctions between democracies and dictatorships, it is highly unlikely that any significant public acknowledgement of Hizbullah’s moral abuses will be forthcoming.”
“But the IDF is right to make the effort. Indeed, it needs to broaden its outreach, and ensure that this information is made available as widely as possible – to the media, no matter how unenthusiastic the reception, and in smaller briefings for key politicians and officials.”
If you're waiting for it to make headlines on the BBC, don’t hold your breath.
The BBC is more interested in stories that cast Israel in the usual, questionable light; such as “Israel admits Gaza flotilla raid ‘mistakes’ " and another boatload of humanitarian aid that Israel won’t allow to dock in Gaza. From Gaddafi, with love.
It's amazing the way the story swings. Reading this latest BBC account, it seems nothing but criticism is being hurled at the Police. By contrast, Mote is increasingly being portrayed as the victim - when in fact he was a victim-maker. The Police are put in impossible positions and this is one. BBC keen to given Andy Hayman a platform, I note.
BBC reports that swimming lessons in some Staffordshire schools should stop during Ramadan to ensure Muslim pupils "do not swallow water", a council has suggested.....
Stoke-on-Trent City Council has issued an 11-page Ramadan guide for schools to help pupils who may be fasting when the school year starts in September. It said swimming was acceptable to Muslims but posed a high risk of swallowing water that may break a fast.
It also suggests re-scheduling sex education classes during the holy lunar month, as Muslim followers who have reached puberty are required to avoid sexual thoughts during this period.
I don't know how much Richard Black is paid by the BBC. They spend almost a billion a year on their newsgathering and news programmes, but don't reveal individual salaries. I do know, however, that a friend of mine who is a BBC presenter is paid north of £150,000 a year; on that basis Mr Black, as a specialist correspondent, probably gets at least £70K and probably substantially more.
He is presumably asked as part of his responsibilities to be reasonably thorough in his assessment of material.
But is he thorough enough? On July 5, he filed an analysis of three reports into aspects of climate change, by Oxburgh, the UK House of Commons Science and Technology Committee and the Dutch Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL). Yesterday, I wrote about severe reservations about the first two. Mr Black,however, was convinced of their rectitude, and wrote that:
...none is judged....to undermine the central tenets of man-made climate change.
He singled out from the Dutch report these paragraphs:
Our findings do not contradict the main conclusions of the IPCC on impacts, adaptation and vulnerability related to climate change... The negative impacts under unmitigated climate change in the future pose substantial risks to most parts of the world, with risks increasing at higher global average temperatures.
This, he clearly believed, particularly supported his conclusion. In other words, he took the PBL report as a massive vindication of the BBC's stance in support of AGW.
But was he correct? Indur M Goklany, by contrast, is a scientist, and has been writing about these issues for decades. There isn't space to summarise here all his arguments, and I urge you to read the piece, which was filed on the What's Up With That? website a few hours ago. But his conclusion about PBL?
To summarize, the PBL gave the IPCC’s summary statements on regional impacts a relatively clean bill of health because it only looked for errors of commission in a limited number of chapters while deeming errors of omission to be an acceptable part of a “risk-oriented approach.” Under the latter approach, it would be acceptable for executive summaries to emphasize costs and, moreover, highlight the upper end of these costs, even as they eschew information on benefits. And providing policy makers with the broader context might be nice, but optional.
PBL may label this a “risk-oriented approach”, but most rational people would label it “biased and unbalanced”.
So where does that leave Mr Black? I contend with egg all over his professional, highly-paid face. He was eager to rush into print in support of the climate science conclusions of PBL (and the other two reports), but unlike Dr Goklany, seemingly did not sufficiently analyse the core issues, or whether the extravagant press-released claims of the authors were properly supported.
Shocking loss of life in Uganda as football fans watching the World Cup final last night were blown to smithereens in terrorist attacks. But in THIS BBC report,reporter Will Ross is determined to cast doubt on the overwhelming likelihood that Islamic terrorists were behind it. The modus operandi fits the Al Queda template, as does the inhumanity of it But through the Islamic-friendly prism of the BBC, why it could be anyone who was responsible.