Friday, 23 July 2010


Celente - Bull Run Or BS?

Crash Of 2010 On Its Way

By Gerald Celente

KINGSTON, NY - 2010 has thundered past the half way mark and is galloping into history. What will the rest of the year hold?
Most of the "Top Ten Trends for 2010" forecast by Gerald Celente this past winter in the Trends Journal® have either come to pass or are about to manifest. Celente predicted:
The Afghan surge would fail.
The economic recovery would never materialize.
Terrorist threats would increase.
Tea parties would gain strong momentum.
Obama's popularity would wane and/or plummet.
Anti-Immigration sentiments would intensify.
In 2009, "experts" rejoiced at the sight of the impending recovery's "green shoots" and predicted the advent of a roaring bull stock market run.
Bull market or BS? Celente called the green shoots a mirage and recovery "a cover up." Sure enough, the Dow is now trading at 1999 levels. He also wrote "Geopolitical and sociological fallout will threaten the entire European Union" and he forecast the "Crash of 2010."
Will the "Crash" happen at all? Will it happen on schedule? Events conspiring in that direction are explored in detail in the Summer Trends Journal®, just sent to subscribers.
These and other prescient forecasts of the trends shaping what is left of 2010 - and that will resonate well beyond - are unique to the Trends Journal® and vital for readers and listeners concerned with their own future and that of the world.
To stay ahead of the times and on top of the trends, please contact me for the Summer edition of Trends Journal® and/or to arrange an interview with Trends Research Institute Director, Gerald Celente.
Zeke West
Media Relations
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