Sunday, 25 July 2010

Christopher Booker

Christopher Booker

Christopher Booker of The Sunday Telegraph exposes the ever-growing 

power of the European Union in Brussels and the excesses of mad officialdom.


Bushmen of the Kalahari are denied water

Botswana's High Court has ruled that the Bushmen must not be provided with water, says Christopher Booker

24 Jul 2010

David Cameron's denial only adds fuel to the al-Megrahi debate

Controversy over Abdelbaset al-Megrahi and the Lockerbie bombing will continue, says Christopher Booker

24 Jul 2010

Desperate days for the warmists

Warmists may be winning the big grants, but they're not winning the argument, says Christopher Booker

24 Jul 2010

It's time to bring family law to book

Families are being torn apart by a system veiled in secrecy, saysChristopher Booker

17 Jul 2010

Amazongate: At last we reach the source

The IPCC's attempts to hide the truth about its exaggerated claims on the deforestation of the Amazon have ended in defeat, says Christopher Booker.

10 Jul 2010

Forced adoption is a truly dreadful scandal

Social workers are removing children from loving families without proper justification, says Christopher Booker

03 Jul 2010

'Climategate', 'Amazongate' - when will the truth be told?

Critical evidence from climate change sceptics continues to be ignored by the political and scientific establishments, saysChristopher Booker

03 Jul 2010

Amazongate: the missing evidence

The story of the IPCC's claims about threats to the Amazon rainforest takes another bizarre turn, saysChristopher Booker

26 Jun 2010

The £7m denied to the Queen is spent every four hours at EU

Christopher Booker weighs up the anomalies of our debt crisis

26 Jun 2010

Big money to be made in the adoption trade

If ever there was a scandal which called for the full glare of publicity, it is our system of forced adoption, writes Christopher Booker.

19 Jun 2010

David Cameron learns who's in charge

Why David Cameron might come to regret breaking his promise of a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty.

19 Jun 2010

Being green will not get us out of the red

Cuts announced last week to finance castings needed for nuclear reactors were deeply revealing of the Coalition’s priorities, writesChristopher Booker.

19 Jun 2010

'Forced adoption' is a hidden tragedy

There is a great tragedy unfolding, involving thousands of families across Britain, writes Christopher Booker.

12 Jun 2010