Saturday, 3 July 2010

Click on this link.  DARTY= French  chain store 

Chez DARTY.  At Darty's.  The worst is to come : THIS : Darty has stopped selling at least one of its products because of these morons.   Le pire c'est en-bas. Darty a cédé aux désirs des imbéciles. 

Début du message réexpédié : 

Objet : [Nouvelles de] SVP ne passez pas à coté! ça se passe à Nice!!! BOYCOT chez DARTY 

Je souhaitais vous donner un compte rendu de notre conférence sur l'enseignement pour l'humanité, un message d'espoir pour la paix et l'émergence d'une sagesse universelle. Je préférerai rester sur le registre des rencontres pour notre évolution spirituelle comme celle que nous aurons ce mardi avec le docteur Chlomo Chiche et laisser la politique à César. 

Mais quand je vois ce qui se passe au cœur de la haine de "l'inhumanité". je ne peux rester dans mes rêves. "Le travail est énorme, et le "roi du monde" est pressé". (disent les  maximes de nos pères). Noé n'a pas réussi à sauver la génération du "Hamas!!!"... C'est le terme utilisé dans la Genèse pour parler de la violence et de la haine qui sévissaient avant le déluge. Ne nous trompons pas! Ne soyons pas de" ceux qui ont des yeux mais ne voient pas, une bouche mais ne parle pas, des pieds mais n'avancent pas" ( Psaumes de david) ... Ouvrez vos yeux, écoutez jusqu'au bout et agissez selon vos possibilités. 

Merci la France verte! Accrochez- vous pour allez jusqu'au bout de l'infâme. Message transféré : BOYCOT chez DARTY Bonjour à tous, Je me permets de vous transmettre en PJ , le courrier du Crif envoyé en AR à la direction de Darty Nice.En effet, un article "made in Israël" a été retiré des rayons suite à une action de "militants"pro-palestiniens au magasin de la rue Notre-Dame.Il s'agit d'un boycott tout à fait scandaleux mais aussi illégal. 

Voir la vidéo 

Et maintenant, qu'est-ce qu'on fait? Merci au président du CRIF Alain Bellasen pour son courrier, ( en fichier joint) mais est-ce suffisant? Vous êtes plus de 1000 à recevoir cette information, vous pouvez passer à coté, ne pas être concernés par la politique.. mais ici il ne s'agit pas de politique mais d'humanité. Commençons par faire passer ce message au plus grand nombre de nos amis et que chacun écrive une lettre personnelle à Darty, Et pourquoi ne pas faire un boycott de Darty au niveau national !!!!!!!!! Une grande pétition sur Face Book.. A chacun sa lutte. La mienne restera certes le partage de la sagesse, mais parfois une bonne colère est nécessaire pour ne pas sombrer dans la lumière. Nous étions client de Darty depuis 30 ans! Nous passerons ailleurs mais le problème est que le fléau touche presque tout les Grand Magasin!!! Suffit-il qu'un groupe hurluberlus manifestent pour que l'employé de Darty enlève les produits venant d'Israël? 

Vous avez peut être vue la Raffle, peut être même pleurés comme beaucoup, non seulement face à la cruauté bestial, mais aussi face à la participation active d'une partie de la population et de la police française. Mais antisémitisme n'est plus politiquement correct, alors il reste pour cette force destructive de s'incarner dansl'antisionisme ou dans l'humour à la Dieudonné. Lisez  ce que dit Martin Luther King. sur l'antisionisme: fichier joints. et pour un rappel écoutez Gainsbourg chante qui israël: ou Herbert Pagani, qui crie pour la terre. 

Vous avez compris, nous/je avons pris position: « Pour l'amour de Sion je ne me tairai point, Pour l'amour de Jérusalem je ne prendrai point de repos, Jusqu'à ce que son salut paraisse, comme l'aurore, Et sa délivrance, comme un flambeau qui s'allume. »  Esaïe 62:1 French to English translation
Click on this link. Darty chain store = anglais 

At Darty. At Darty's. The worst Is To come: THIS: Darty has stopped selling at least one of Its products contention Because Of morons. The worst is in there. Darty has yielded to the wishes of fools. 

Beginning of message returned: 

Subject: [News] Please do not go near! it happens in Nice! Boycot at Darty 

I wanted to give you an update on our conference on education for humanity, a message of hope for peace and the emergence of a universal wisdom. I'd rather stay on the register of meetings for our spiritual evolution as the one we have on Tuesday with Dr. Shlomo Chiche and leave politics to Caesar. 

But when I see what happens in the heart of the hatred of the "inhumanity". I can not stay in my dreams. "The job is enormous, and the" king of the world "is pressed. (Say the maxims of our forefathers). Noah failed to save the generation of "Hamas !!!"... This is the term used in Genesis to talk about violence and hatred that prevailed before the flood. Make no mistake! Do not let "those who have eyes but do not see a mouth but does not speak, but not moving the feet" (Psalms of David) ... Open your eyes, listen to the end and act according to your possibilities. 

France, thank you green! Hang on for going to the end of the infamous. Forwarded message: boycott in DARTY Hello everyone, I would send you in PJ, CRIF's mail sent to the management of AR Darty Nice.En Indeed, an article "Made in Israel" was removed from the shelves after an action of "militant" pro-Palestinian shop in the Rue Notre-Dame.Il a boycott is quite shocking but also illegal. 

View video 

And now, what do we do? Thank you to the president of CRIF Alain Bellasen for his mail (with attachment) but is it enough? You are more than 1,000 to receive this information, you can go next, do not be affected by the policy .. but here it is not political but humanity. Let's start by getting this message to as many of our friends and everyone write a personal letter to Darty And why not a boycott of national Darty !!!!!!!!! A big petition on Face Book .. To each his struggle. Mine will certainly sharing the wisdom, but sometimes a good anger is necessary to avoid sinking into the light. We were Darty client for 30 years! We will go elsewhere, but the problem is that the scourge affects almost every Department Store! Is it enough to show that a group that cranks the Darty employee removes products from Israel? 

You can view the Raffle, perhaps even as much mourned, not just against animal cruelty, but facing the active part of the population and the French police. But anti-Semitism is no longer politically correct, then there is this destructive force incarnate dansl'antisionisme or humor to Dieudonne. Read what Martin Luther King said. on Zionism: A file attached. and a reminder that Israel listen Gainsbourg sings: or Herbert Pagani, crying for the land. 

You understand that we / I have taken a position: "For Zion's sake I will not hold my peace, for Jerusalem's sake I will take no rest, Until her hello forth as the dawn And it is issued as a torch that lights up. "Isaiah 62:1 

Click on this link. Darty chain store = anglais 

At Darty. At Darty's. The worst Is To come: THIS: Darty has stopped selling at least one of Its products contention Because Of morons. The worst is in there. Darty has yielded to the wishes of fools. 

Beginning of message returned: 

Subject: [News] Please do not go near! it happens in Nice! Boycot at Darty 

I wanted to give you an update on our conference on education for humanity, a message of hope for peace and the emergence of a universal wisdom. I'd rather stay on the register of meetings for our spiritual evolution as the one we have on Tuesday with Dr. Shlomo Chiche and leave politics to Caesar. 

But when I see what happens in the heart of the hatred of the "inhumanity". I can not stay in my dreams. "The job is enormous, and the" king of the world "is pressed. (Say the maxims of our forefathers). Noah failed to save the generation of "Hamas !!!"... This is the term used in Genesis to talk about violence and hatred that prevailed before the flood. Make no mistake! Do not let "those who have eyes but do not see a mouth but does not speak, but not moving the feet" (Psalms of David) ... Open your eyes, listen to the end and act according to your possibilities. 

France, thank you green! Hang on for going to the end of the infamous. Forwarded message: boycott in DARTY Hello everyone, I would send you in PJ, CRIF's mail sent to the management of AR Darty Nice.En Indeed, an article "Made in Israel" was removed from the shelves after an action of "militant" pro-Palestinian shop in the Rue Notre-Dame.Il a boycott is quite shocking but also illegal. 

View video 

And now, what do we do? Thank you to the president of CRIF Alain Bellasen for his mail (with attachment) but is it enough? You are more than 1,000 to receive this information, you can go next, do not be affected by the policy .. but here it is not political but humanity. Let's start by getting this message to as many of our friends and everyone write a personal letter to Darty And why not a boycott of national Darty !!!!!!!!! A big petition on Face Book .. To each his struggle. Mine will certainly sharing the wisdom, but sometimes a good anger is necessary to avoid sinking into the light. We were Darty client for 30 years! We will go elsewhere, but the problem is that the scourge affects almost every Department Store! Is it enough to show that a group that cranks the Darty employee removes products from Israel? 

You can view the Raffle, perhaps even as much mourned, not just against animal cruelty, but facing the active part of the population and the French police. But anti-Semitism is no longer politically correct, then there is this destructive force incarnate dansl'antisionisme or humor to Dieudonne. Read what Martin Luther King said. on Zionism: A file attached. and a reminder that Israel listen Gainsbourg sings: or Herbert Pagani, crying for the land. 

You understand that we / I have taken a position: "For Zion's sake I will not hold my peace, for Jerusalem's sake I will take no rest, Until her hello forth as the dawn And it is issued as a torch that lights up. "Isaiah 62:1