Wednesday, 28 July 2010

The Daily Reckoning
Dear Daily Reckoning Reader,

Please accept our apologies...

We were supposed to send you this final Symposium roving reporter presentation yesterday.

Travel delays, however, prevented us from sending...

Now that we're back on track, here's the final wrap-up, ready now for your viewing pleasure.

Also, you'll find a special extension gift inside. So make sure you watch this dispatch as soon as possible.

Click here for your notes from the final day of the Symposium.

Signing off from Vancouver,

Joe Schriefer
Publisher, Agora Financial

P.S. It was nice to meet some of you at the symposium. Hopefully you had as much fun being there as we have putting the event on! If you didn't have a chance to attend, get all of the final notes right here!