Trading in death: Rapacious bankers are making fortunes by forcing up the price of food and leaving millions to starve. Italians protest health budget cuts: Italy's medical workers are out on strike in protest to fiscal cuts in the heath sector, leaving patients stranded and forcing postponement of surgeries. The 18 States Facing The Most Brutal Austerity Cuts: Even the sober Center on Budget and Policy Priorities says 46 states are facing a Greek-like crisis. These state governments must inaugurate an austerity regime to cut spending by $112 billion for FY2011. More Than 40 Pct. Leave Obama Mortgage-Aid Program: More than 40 percent of homeowners seeking help from the Obama administration's flagship effort to rescue those at risk of foreclosure have dropped out of the program.
Wednesday, 21 July 2010
By Nouriel Roubini
Fasten your seat belts for a very bumpy ride.Continue
Stage Two of the Credit Crisis
By Bob Chapman
Sovereign bonds and CDOs are not worth the paper they are written on. Worse yet, they, like US banks and other corporations, are carrying two sets of books. If one set of books were kept all the toxic waste would have to be written off and that would deplete their capital and most likely put them out of business. Is it no wonder banks do not want to lend to each other? Banks and nations are lying.Continue
By Matthew Rothschild
I got an e-mail from a group called 21st Century Democrats, bemoaning the fact that a recent poll shows that 55% of likely voters said that the word "socialist" describes Obama and his policies.Continue
Obama's War on the Internet
By Philip Giraldi
All records of each and every internet usage, to include credit information and keystrokes that register everything that is written or sent, is accessible to the government authorities on demand, not through the action of a court or an independent authority. Continue
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Britannia Radio