Monday, 19 July 2010

Drug Industry Politics at the DEA
Ephedrine-containing cough and cold remedies can be converted (cooked) into illicit methamphetamine. For over a decade, Congress has repeatedly taken the Drug Enforcement Administration to task for not doing enough to stem the flow of methamphetamine. As with all things in Washington, the fight to stem the flow has been accompanied by a heavy dose of government corruption. In July of 2004, then DEA........
by Attorney Jonathan Emord

The Devastating Truth About The Obama Health Plan
As I wrote in a recent article, on July 26, 2000, the Journal of the American Medical Association published a landmark paper by Barbara Starfield (Johns Hopkins School of Public Health), “Is US health really the best in the world?” In it, Starfield revealed what many people inside the medical establishment already knew: every year, like clockwork, the medical system was killing huge numbers of people. Each year in the US.......
by Jon Rappoport

A Diseased Nation
The insanity at the present time in this nation has reached manic proportions, mad men reign, crime flourishes, vice entices, avarice is rampant, evil triumphs, honor is subdued and immorality is encouraged. A monumental sickness has settled upon the United States. It is a festering putrid character that rests upon this nation, its people, its institutions, and its leaders. All of society clamors after the dragon, righteous thought has dissipated; a sinister specter of evil now marks the collective character of......
by Sheriff Jim Schwiesow, Ret.

Common Sense on Mass Immigration
In the following paragraphs, you will read what some of the top experts have to say about mass immigration, whether legal or illegal. If left unchecked, immigration of any kind leads to accelerating consequences in every sector of America. Immigration stands as the greatest threat and the most destructive nation-destroying phenomenon in the history of the United States of America......
by Frosty Wooldridge