Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Egypt Decides To Deny Entry To Jordanian Aid Convoy

'The Egyptian Foreign Ministry issued an official decree preventing the convoy from entering the country by all means, the Qatar-based Al Jazeera reported. Hussein al-Saoub, head of the “al-Jisr al-Araby”, the Arabic Bridge Company, phoned the head of the Jordanian convoy, late on Sunday at night, informing him that Egypt decided to prevent the convoy from entering Egypt.

There are 138 persons participating in the aid convoy. Al-Sa’oub said that the Egyptian Authorities decided that each person on the convoy is a “Persona non grata”.'

Read more: Egypt Decides To Deny Entry To Jordanian Aid Convoy


Is the Obama-Hitler Billboard Correct?

'A controversial billboard comparing the "change" of U.S. President Barack Obama with Adolf Hitler and Vladimir Lenin raised a few eyebrows before it was papered over one day after it appeared in Mason City, Iowa.  The billboard suggests that Obama is a radical socialist leader similar to Hitler and Lenin.  This is, in fact, a true comparison, which is probably why it was papered over so quickly.  Obama, Hitler, and Lenin were all initially financed by Rothschild money.  If we look at the historical record, we can clearly see that all three leaders were originally puppets of the House of Rothschild.'

Read more: Is the Obama-Hitler Billboard Correct?


HIV Vaccines Cause 50 Percent False Positive Rate in HIV Tests

'It may come as a big surprise to most people, but HIV tests given to people today don't actually test for the presence of the HIV virus. Rather, they test for the presence of HIV antibodies that the immune system creates to defend itself against HIV. And just because you have HIV antibodies doesn't mean you actually carry HIV. In some circumstances, up to 50 percent of HIV positives are false, causing havoc with the lives of those patients who are falsely accused of being "HIV positive."

This startling fact was revealed in a recent study that's being published in the July 21 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association. It shows that patients who are recruited for HIV vaccine trials often end up testing positive for HIV even though they were only exposed to the vaccine, not the virus.'

Read more: HIV Vaccines Cause 50 Percent False Positive Rate in HIV Tests


Blair Faces Inquiry into £6 Million a Year Security Bill

'Tony Blair faces a Parliamentary inquiry into the spiralling cost of his security after six police officers were photographed guarding the rear of his home. Local residents say the presence of such large numbers of armed officers is making them nervous and affecting the once calm atmosphere of the upmarket neighbourhood.

Tory MP Mark Field will this week table a Commons question about the costs of protecting Mr Blair, estimated at £6million a year and rising.'

Read more: Blair Faces Inquiry into £6 Million a Year Security Bill

How Legal Pot Could Harm the Cartels

'So far, no modern country has ever legalized marijuana production—not even the Netherlands. Yet with heavy drug-related violence plaguing the U.S.-Mexican border, some analysts and policymakers now say that America should legalize weed in order to reduce the power of Mexico’s drug cartels.

Marijuana carries the least amount of overhead cost for many of the cartels and provides some of their cash flow for buying guns and influence. Estimates vary, but analysts say pot accounts for somewhere in the range of 20 to 50 percent of the cartels’ profits. But that could soon change with competition from El Norte: California has a proposition set for the November ballot—on which voters are roughly split—that would legalize the drug’s domestic production and sale. If the measure passes, says a recent analysis by the RAND Corporation, California could become a major supplier of the drug to the rest of the U.S. That, according to George W. Grayson, a professor of government at William & Mary, “would hurt the cartels badly.” RAND estimates that it could reduce the drug’s pretax price by more than 80 percent.'

Read more: How Legal Pot Could Harm the Cartels


BP's Scheme to Swindle the 'Small People'

'Gulf Coast fishermen and others with lost income claims against BP are outraged by a recent announcement that the $20 billion government-administered claim fund will subtract money they earn by working on the cleanup effort from any future damage claims against BP. This move, according to lawyers in Louisiana working on behalf of Louisiana fishermen and others affected by the BP oil disaster, contradicts an earlier BP statement in which the company promised it would do no such thing.

Kenneth Feinberg, who was appointed by President Obama as the independent administrator of the Gulf Claims Facility for the $20 billion BP Deepwater Horizon oil disaster compensation fund, said yesterday that the wages earned by people working on BP's cleanup will be deducted from their claims against the company.'

Read more: BP's Scheme to Swindle the 'Small People'


From Seedlings to Servings: 11-Year-Old Grows Tons of Veggies for the Homeless

'It all began in third grade, when Katie Stagliano's 40-pound cabbage fed 275 homeless people. Now, Katie's six gardens have produced over 4,000 pounds of vegetables to feed the needy.'

Read more: From Seedlings to Servings: 11-Year-Old Grows Tons of Veggies for the Homeless


Stage Two of Europe's Credit Crisis: An Internal Bank and Sovereign Debt Crisis Combined

'The crisis affecting Europe is nothing new. It goes back three years and the beginning of the credit crisis, 60% of the subprime CDOs, collateralized debt obligations, had been sold to European institutions. These were the mortgage bonds, which contained a variety of toxic waste, which the rating agencies, S&P, Moody’s and Fitch, in collusion with banks and brokerage houses, had sold as AAA bonds, when in fact their ratings should have been considerably lower. The holders of these bonds in many instances became insolvent and had to be bailed out by capital injections from central banks, most of the funds were lent by the Federal Reserve.

These debt problems, as in the US, have never been resolved. Those companies and institutions have over the past three years been allowed to keep two sets of books.'

Read more: Stage Two of Europe's Credit Crisis: An Internal Bank and Sovereign Debt Crisis Combined


Oil Spill Shuts China's Biggest Port

'China's biggest port, Dalian, was shut on Monday in response to a pipeline explosion that sent thousands of tons of crude gushing into the Yellow Sea and closed major businesses.

The explosion occurred in the port in northeastern China on Friday when a crude oil tanker was being off-loaded. About 1500 tons of crude oil has poured into the sea, causing a 182-square-kilometer oil slick.'

Read more: Oil Spill Shuts China's Biggest Port


'Yemen, Washington's Next Afghanistan'

'American-born cleric Anwar al-Awlaki has painted a glum future for the United States President Barack Obama's efforts to establish a military foothold in Yemen. "If George W. Bush is remembered as being the president who got America stuck in Afghanistan and Iraq, it's looking like Obama wants to be remembered as the president who got America stuck in Yemen," he said in an audio message that surfaced on Monday, the Associated Press reported.

US allegations about the presence of al-Qaeda-linked militants in Yemen threw the oil-rich country into the spotlight following a botched bomb attack on a US-bound Christmas Day flight.'

Read more: 'Yemen, Washington's Next Afghanistan'


Moon find may point to habitable tunnels

Oh really? David Icke will be shocked - see Human Race Get off Your Knees

'US President Barack Obama may have to reconsider his decision to abandon plans to return to the Moon - it seems our closest galactic neighbour is still throwing up surprises.'





By David Icke


Please circulate far and wide - this is the link to send:http://www.davidicke.com/articles/illuminati-criminals-mainmenu-58/33410-the-isle-of-wight-nice-place-shame-about-the-cesspit


So what are the connections between the Isle Of Wight Natural Therapies Trust at Watchbell House in Newport and Isle of Wight Social Services which steals children for the state (and others)?

I know. Anyone else?


It has all been long planned ... the paedophile paradise on earth

'The educators' notes indicate that they placed a very strong emphasis on sex education. Almost every day, the students played games that involved taking off their clothes, reading porno magazines together and pantomiming intercourse.

According to the records, a "sex exercise" was conducted on Dec. 11 and a "fucking hour" on Jan. 14. An entry made on Nov. 26 reads: "In general, by lying there we repeatedly provoked, openly or in a hidden way, sexual innuendoes, which were then expressed in pantomimes, which Kurt and Rita performed together on the low table (as a stage) in front of us."'

Read more ...


Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) - anyone know anything about this organisation?

'The Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) Centre is dedicated to eradicating the sexual abuse of children. That means we are part of UK policing and very much about tracking and bringing offenders to account either directly or in partnership with local and international forces.

But our approach is truly holistic. Walk through the CEOP Centre today and within any one team you will find police officers specialising in this area of criminality working with professionals from the wider child protection community and industry. You will find seconded staff from organisations such as the NSPCC, teams sponsored by the likes of VISA and SERCO and experts from government and corporations such as Microsoft offering specialist advice and guidance.

That approach is dedicated to building up intelligence that in turn drives the business, informs our operational deployments, steers our CEOP Academy programmes to law enforcement, child protection and educational sectors and drives our dedicated Thinkuknow programme for children and parents of all ages.'

Read more ...

Maybe it's just me, but I have just seen one of these ...

Actually, throw this in as well ...

But, like I say, maybe it's only me ...


US Military Surge in Costa Rica May Fan Regional Tensions

'In a controversial decision that is likely to fan the flames of regional tensions in Latin America, Costa Rica recently granted the US permission to move 7,000 troops and 46 warships (along with their accompanying planes and helicopters) into Costa Rican waters.

Officially, the act is considered to be part of the “Drug War,” which appears to be increasingly more war-like in nature due to such actions and mounting violence in Mexico and Colombia. Costa Rica’s neighbors, however, see the massive military presence as a potential base for regional strikes.

Due to the long history of US intervention in Latin America (perhaps most notably in neighboring Nicaragua), the region is clearly justified in its concern over the disproportionate and virtual invasion of troops into an area that could potentially provide such a logistical and geographic striking point.'

Read more: US Military Surge in Costa Rica May Fan Regional Tensions


Revealed: State Authorisation of Institutionalised Child Abuse

'The disclosure of the prison service manual follows a five-year freedom of information battle. The manual was condemned last night by campaigners as "state authorisation of institutionalised child abuse".

Published by the HM Prison Service in 2005 and classified as a restricted government document, the manual guides staff on what restraint and self-defence techniques are authorised for use on children as young as 12 in secure training centres. The centres are purpose-built facilities for young offenders up to the age of 17 and run by private firms under government contracts.

Instructions to staff warn that the techniques risk giving children a "fracture to the skull" and "temporary or permanent blindness caused by rupture to eyeball or detached retina".'

Read more: Revealed: State Authorisation of Institutionalised Child Abuse

This manual must have been approved by the then Director General of the Prison Service, Martin Narey, who is now advocating the removal of thousands more children from their parents as CEO of Barnardos.

See here...


David Kelly's Dental Records Were Stolen

'A former pathologist today demands a full inquest into the death of nuclear weapons expert Dr David Kelly as the Sunday Express discloses fresh details of the mysterious theft of his dental records.

As the family of Dr Kelly privately marked the seventh anniversary of his death yesterday, Dr Peter Fletcher urged Prime Minister David Cameron to order an inquest because the circumstances surrounding this tragic episode “stink”.'

Read more: David Kelly's Dental Records Were Stolen

Water Tested – Toxic Levels of Oil – Sample Explodes!

'The accepted toxic level for oil is anything over 5 parts per million.  Water from orange beach tested at 25 parts per million. The sand around Gulf Shores beach tested at an astonishing 211 parts per million. Remember, these beaches have been left open by officials who continue to claim the, “The beach is safe to swim.” Near Orange Beach, in the very area where kids were happily playing, the water tested a whopping 221 parts per million. How can the EPA and local officials continue  to lets citizens frequent these toxic beaches?

As if this wasn’t enough, a sample from the Dolphin Island Marina actually EXPLODED when mixed with an organic solvent intended to separate the oil and water! That’s right, we now have documented evidence of samples exploding upon testing.'

Read more: Water Tested – Toxic Levels of Oil – Sample Explodes!


NHS Doesn't Care About Cost of Medicine’: Drugs Firms Accused of Profiteering by Raising Prices by ONE THOUSAND Per Cent

'Drugs companies making everyday medicines for the NHS are facing claims of profiteering after imposing huge price rises for commonly prescribed drugs. The increases – some as high as 1,000 per cent in just two years – coincided with some of the firms involved earning massive profits. One company boss said the NHS ‘doesn’t care what it costs’.

The medicines are not new innovative products developed by pharmaceutical companies after enormous investment in research and development. Instead, they are unbranded so-called ‘generic’ drugs which have been available for many years and include commonly used antibiotics prescribed to millions of patients.'

Read more: NHS Doesn't Care About Cost of Medicine’: Drugs Firms Accused of Profiteering by Raising Prices by ONE THOUSAND Per Cent


Petraeus Promotes Civil War in Afghanistan

'The Petraeus strategy calls for putting 10,000 job-hungry Afghan villagers on the Pentagon payroll. They will be given money and guns so that they can form militias and shoot and kill other members of their village who are asserted to be either pro-Taliban or opposed to the U.S./NATO occupation.

The new strategy further underscores the criminal role of the Pentagon generals. Petraeus is consciously fomenting civil war and ethnic rivalry just as he did in Iraq. Gen. James Mattis, Petraeus’ new boss at Central Command, when speaking to a crowd in San Diego in 2005 about his experience in Afghanistan, said "it's a hell of a lot of fun to shoot 'em".'

Read more: Petraeus Promotes Civil War in Afghanistan


Did you know that this lady says her husband did not abuse the children and was not a paedophile ... and that she and he were both terrified that their kids were going to be stolen by Staffordshire Social Services?

British woman killed her children after sex offender husband was arrested (but there is much more to know about this story)

Lianne Smith, the 43-year-old English teacher and nursery group leader pleaded for understanding. Her partner, she claimed, had been falsely accused of being a paedophile by someone known to their family.


Orwell's Nightmare--Big Brother is Here

'The FCC and the FTC are now planning a government takeover of the news industry, complete with a tax on conservative radio and Internet websites in order to subsidize liberal media outlets that are losing revenue to the point of bankruptcy. This would effectively silence conservatives and give the mouthpieces of the Obama regime full control of the news. Does anyone care that Hitler and Stalin did the very same thing?'

Read more: Orwell's Nightmare--Big Brother is Here


There must be a common denominator, surely ...

... I just can't think what it could be ...

... I must get myself a map.

The New Police

And if you think this video is just a comedy show ... it is now mirroring daily reality ...


Changing Stance, Administration Now Defends Insurance Mandate as a Tax

'When Congress required most Americans to obtain health insurance or pay a penalty, Democrats denied that they were creating a new tax. But in court, the Obama administration and its allies now defend the requirement as an exercise of the government’s “power to lay and collect taxes.”

And that power, they say, is even more sweeping than the federal power to regulate interstate commerce. Administration officials say the tax argument is a linchpin of their legal case in defense of the health care overhaul and its individual mandate, now being challenged in court by more than 20 states and several private organizations.'

Read more: Changing Stance, Administration Now Defends Insurance Mandate as a Tax