Will she tolerate Shariah?
Sunday, 18 July 2010
The Center for Security Policy presents a web ad warning of the dangers of confirming Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court. The ad premired Saturday on Andrew Breitbart's Big Peace.
Text: As Dean of Harvard Law School, Elena Kagan banned military recruiters from campus because US law said they couldn't enlist homosexuals. Well, she invited the Saudi's "recruiters" to promote their legal code--Shariah-- which calls for homosexuals to be murdered and women to be treated like animals. If Kagan tolerates promoting the injustice of Shariah law on the campus of Harvard, what kind of injustice will she tolerate in America during a lifetime on the Supreme Court?
S O M E B A C K G R O U N D O N T H I S I M P O R T A N T I S S U E :
It is alarming Ms. Kagan has appeared so indifferent to the ominous, if lucrative, use of her campus to legitimate and facilitate the penetration of the academy and, as we shall see, other institutions by Shariah’s insidious, anti-constitutional agenda and its adherents. In fact, under a neglected part of the U.S. code, such conduct could constitute a felony offense known as “misprision of treason” – inaction (not to say complicity) in the face of seditious activity.
While the prospect that such conduct might be a matter for judicial review, including by the Supreme Court, may seem unlikely at the moment, don’t be so sure. It is not unreasonable to expect that – in the event of the sort of devastating attack on this country that the intelligence community says is certainly being prepared by Shariah-adherent jihadists (oops, by “violent extremists”) – there will be investigations and perhaps criminal prosecutions of those who were, however tangentially, involved in promoting Shariah in this country.
Real courage at Harvard would have called for condemning the university’s profoundly immoral, gluttonous promotion of sharia. While Kagan was at the law school, her patron, Harvard’s president Larry Summers, accepted a stunning $20 million donation for the creation of a program of studies to lionize Islam’s history and jurisprudence. The cash came from the Saudi prince Alwaleed bin Talal, the billionaire investor whose attempted $10 million contribution to the Twin Towers fund had been refused by New York mayor Rudy Giuliani when bin Talal blamed the 9/11 atrocities on American foreign policy. Summers, the anti-Giuliani, not only took the money but named theprogram and an endowed professorship in the prince’s honor. And why not? By then, as Ben Shapiro reported, Harvard’s law school already had three Saudi-funded institutions devoted to the study of sharia.... Yet there were no condemnations from Dean Kagan over the prince’s lavish gift. To the contrary, she proceeded to forge the law school’s “Islamic Finance Project.” Its purpose is to promote sharia compliance in the U.S. financial sector.
For more information, see Frank Gaffney's "Shill for Shariah" and Andy McCarthy's"Elena Kagan’s ‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell’ Sharia Policy."
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