Monday, 12 July 2010

The Estate Tax Death Panel -- Too Rich to Live Past 2010?

'The estate tax is set to come roaring back in January. That sets the stage for a perverse calculus: End it all—or leave a massive bill for your heirs to deal with. It has come to this: Congress, quite by accident, is incentivizing death.

When the Senate allowed the estate tax to lapse at the end of last year, it encouraged wealthy people near death's door to stay alive until Jan. 1 so they could spare their heirs a 45% tax hit. Now the situation has reversed: If Congress doesn't change the law soon—and many experts think it won't—the estate tax will come roaring back in 2011. Not only will the top rate jump to 55%, but the exemption will shrink from $3.5 million per individual in 2009 to just $1 million in 2011, potentially affecting eight times as many taxpayers.'

Read more: The Estate Tax Death Panel -- Too Rich to Live Past 2010?

Was the Social Security Money 'Borrowed' or 'Stolen'?

'The intent of the 1983 legislation was to generate large Social Security surpluses for the next 30 years that were supposed to be saved and invested, in order to build up a large reserve in the trust fund that could later be drawn down to pay benefits to the baby boomers.  The 1983 payroll tax hike has generated more than $2.5 trillion that is supposed to be in the trust fund.  If the trust fund actually held this amount in real assets, full Social Security benefits could be paid until at least 2037 without any changes. 

Unfortunately, none of the surplus revenue was saved or invested in anything.  It was all spent by the government on wars and other government programs without making any provisions for repaying the money.  

Over the past 25 years, five presidents, and the members of Congress, have participated in the great Social Security scam.  All Social Security contributions made by working Americans, except the amount which was needed to pay current retirement benefits, has been funneled into the general fund  and used for non-Social Security purposes.  Some like to say that the government just “borrowed” the money during the time period when it was not needed to pay benefits.'

Read more: Was the Social Security Money 'Borrowed' or 'Stolen'?


Dumbing Down Society Pt 2: Mercury in Foods and Vaccines

'The first article in this series – Dumbing Down Society Pt 1: Foods, Beverages and Meds – looked at the effects of aspartame, fluoride and prescription pills on the human brain. These substances all cause a decrease of cognitive power which, on a large scale, leads to a dumbing down of the population that is ingesting them. This second article focuses on another toxic product found in everyday foods and mandatory vaccines: mercury.

Mercury is a heavy metal naturally found in the environment. However, it is not suitable for human consumption, as it is extremely harmful to the human body, especially the brain. While some people say that anything can be consumed in moderation, many experts agree that no amount of mercury is safe for the human body. Despite this and the many studies concerning the negative effects of  mercury, the heavy metal is continually added to mandatory vaccines and processed foods.'

Read more: Dumbing Down Society Pt 2: Mercury in Foods and Vaccines

To read part one click here...

David Icke -The Only Thing You Really Need To Know ...

In part of this video David is quoting from the experience of brain scientist, Jill Bolte Taylor, when she experienced 'oneness' during a stroke affecting the left side of the brain.


A Musical Message Discovered In Plato's Works

'It sounds like something out of a Dan Brown novel, but a scholar in Manchester, England, claims to have found hidden code in the ancient writings of Plato. If true, the secret messages would have made the ancient philosopher and mathematician a heretic in his day.

Jay Kennedy tells NPR's Guy Raz that his discovery was partially luck. Looking at Plato's works in their original scroll form, he noticed that every 12 lines there was a passage that discussed music. "The regularity of that pattern was supposed to be noticed by Plato's readers," Kennedy says. Music in ancient Greece was based on a 12-note scale, unlike the eight-note scale of modern Western music. Kennedy posits that Plato deliberately inserted discussions of music every 12 lines to send a secret, musical message.'

Read more: A Musical Message Discovered In Plato's Works


Coca Cola Commercial: A Closer Look


CA Riots - White Cop Who Shot Unarmed Black Gets Off

'Violent protests erupted in the city of Oakland in California today after a Los Angeles jury convicted a white former transit officer of involuntary manslaughter in the fatal shooting of an unarmed black man.
Police in riot gear watched over a crowd of protesters as emotions ran high with 500 people marching in the street and 83 people arrested.

Prosecutors had wanted Johannes Mehserle, 22, to be convicted of murdering Oscar Grant. Justice Department officials have announced they will look into whether the case warrants federal prosecution.

Read more:  CA Riots - White Cop Who Shot Unarmed Black Gets Off

Hail Caesar! Queen Gives Marching Orders To The UN

'Regarding the queens speech to the United Nations, we were told by the British Mission to the United Nations that the queen "Will be taking a global perspective. She will touch on progress made since she was last here and challenges that remain." 
For a woman who says she is not head of any country-only titular head of state of 16 countries including Australia, Canada and New Zealand and the nominal representative of 54 governments in the British Commonwealth, who is fooling who? Why should be the people of the world listen to a little old lady from Britain? The answer is because her hereditary demands it. 
The visit by the queen, which was billed as low key-a five hour visit-was designed to get the global agenda of sustainable development and climate control back on track and to make a statement. Nothing the queen does is low key as every visit, and every word has a meaning and a goal for total control.'

Read more: Hail Caesar! Queen Gives Marching Orders To The UN


Network News: Seeing Through Illuminati Eyes

'After WWII, with the emergence of three rival television networks, each with their own news departments, most Americans would have argued that the new age of television would grant them a multiplicity of sources and viewpoints.

Yet from their very inception, all three TV networks have been guided by men who were a product of and beholden to  America's intelligence agencies.   From the beginning, the men who ran ABC, CBS and NBC as well as those sitting on their boards of directors,  had the deepest ties to the CIA, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Rothschild Banks and the Rockefeller Foundation.  From the very beginning, the US news media has been designed to promote the New World Order, guided by the "light" of the Illuminati. This is why network newscasts are virtually identical.'

Read more: Network News: Seeing Through Illuminati Eyes

Amnesty Will Cost U.S. Taxpayers at Least $2.6 Trillion

'The fiscal consequences of this amnesty will vary depending on the time period analyzed. It is expected that many illegal immigrants who are currently working "off the books" and paying no direct taxes will begin to work "on the books" after receiving amnesty, and therefore tax payments will rise immediately.

By contrast, under S. 1348, benefits to these immigrants from Social Security, Medicare, and most means-tested welfare programs (such as Food Stamps, public housing, and Temporary Assistance to Needy Families) will be delayed for many years. In consequence, then, the increase in taxes and fines paid by amnesty recipients may initially exceed slightly the increase in government benefits received. In the long run, however, the opposite will be true.'

Read more: Amnesty Will Cost U.S. Taxpayers at Least $2.6 Trillion