European Union Directives,Regulations and Laws. Tech and Law: Data retention illegally implemented, EU privacy ...
The EU Data Retention Directive 2006/24/EC, which enables governments to force ISPs, mobile network operators and telephone companies to keep certain data about citizens' phone calls and emails etc for later government inspection, .... which will look at things like the very stop and search powers that have been so criticised, and also the use of the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 by local authorities and "access to communications data in general". ...
Tech and Law - Common's European Scrutiny Committee – Process, Politics and ...
By Phillip Souta
It scrutinies some 1000 European Union “documents” – draft regulations, directives, Council decisions, budgetary documents – every year. It is highly visible on the European stage as it liases with other member state European Scrutiny Committess ... It is almost inevitable that Bill Cash will use the committee to promote his passionately held but perverse views comparing various elements of EU law-making to the “invasions of another kind that threatened to undermine our ...
Business for New Europe Blog - » Import and Export Chamber of Commerce led by a ...
By zhang betty
According to WEEE directive, August 13, the EU market, the flow of electrical and electronic equipment manufacturers must by law take its own production of recycled products liability. Electrical appliances in China Import and Export ... - - Official Journal - 2010 - L 176
Access to European Union law. Please select a language, български (bg), español (es) ...REGULATIONS. *. Commission Regulation (EU) No 583/2010 of 1 July 2010 ... CommissionDirective 2010/42/EU of 1 July 2010 implementing Directive ... on Implementation of EU Directive 2008/122/EC on ...
Consultation on Implementation of EU Directive 2008/122/EC on Timeshare, ... parties on a set of draft regulations that it is proposed will transpose the Timeshare, ... Resale and Exchange Contracts Directive (2008/122/EC) into UK law . ... to increase investor protection in EU investment fund market ...
filed under: Single Market, Finance, EU Law, funds, Cross-border, investment ... requirements in the form of four acts (two Directives and two Regulations). ...
Thursday, 15 July 2010
Posted by Britannia Radio at 17:27