European Union Directives,Regulations and Laws. EU aims to boost foreign suspects' rights
BBC News
The plan has not yet become EU law. In six EU countries, including France, Denmark and Greece, detainees only get verbal information about their rights. ...
See all stories on this topic »Passport to nowhere
Financial Post
It did not, however, create a EU-wide securities regulator. The first EU legislation to deal with investment services was the 2nd Banking Directive, ...
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By Britannia Radio
Basic knowledge of European economic integration and European law. ... mainly on practical understanding of the EU economic law regulations. ... First Council Directive of 9 March 1968. Second Council Directive of 13 December 1976. ...
By Steve Beasant
The European Commission has proposed a new European law to make mandatory a 'letter of rights' for all suspects upon arrest in any EU country, in a language they understand. ... The proposed 'Directive on the right to information in criminal proceedings' would ensure that all EUcountries inform anyone suspected or accused of a crime of their rights with a written letter, in a language the suspect can understand, as soon as they are arrested, to cover rights to: ...
Steve Beasant - Canada forcing their way on the pollution ...
By Pincas Jawetz The Sustainable Development Media Think Tank - Canada forcing their way on the pollution deliberation table of the EU with threats based on International Trade regulations. ...Officials working for the EU's executive , the European Commission, are considering the implementation of a fuel quality law nominally designed to make transport cleaner. While the overall goal of the directive has been agreed — that oil companies bring down their emissions of ...
Sustainabilitank - and Enforcement, Herbert Smith, The EU Industrial ...
The EU Industrial Emissions Directive, Herbert Smith, - Legal Week Law. Forum • View topic - Acts are not Laws Proof
Common law, statutes and statutory instruments are part of this law, as well as EU regulationsand directives. as well as eu regulations errrrrrrr hang on a ... Greece's woes provide fuel for Turkish Eurosceptics « Turkey ...
By Yilan
The Turkish government is insisting on its somewhat jaded rhetoric of “Turkey being necessary for theEU more than EU being necessary for Turkey,” but the dubious results so far have reinforced the camp of Eurosceptics in Turkey. ... But this time they see themselves being directly affected by the deep ideological changes brought about by the Lisbon Reform Treaty. Of course their political leadership has got a lot to blame; inherent mentality of nepotism has got a lot to ...
Turkey & Macedonia - india nuclear treaty - Badia Belly Dancer in Colorado Springs
eu reform treaty text. strategic arms limitation treaty. traverse des sioux treaty. anzus treaty student activities. nile treaty. treaty of versailles ...
Wednesday, 21 July 2010
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Britannia Radio