Thursday, 8 July 2010

"The federal Senate and at least six Republicans want to impose [government sector monopoly bargaining] on states that do not follow these irresponsible practices.

"They are trying to [encourage] financial chaos experienced by those who do and by the federal government. Under what constitutional authority? Under what logic should this be tolerated? It is absurd."

Rush Limbaugh (June 17, 2010)

Dear Concerned American:

Last week the Wall Street Journal reported that Majority Leader Harry Reid may try to ram the Police and Firefighters Monopoly Bargaining Bill (S. 3194) through the Senate THIS WEEK.

That's why it's urgent for concerned citizens like you to act now.

A few weeks ago, we told Right to Work supporters and other concerned citizens that union-label Senators could bring the Police and Firefighters Monopoly Bargaining Bill to the floor for a vote at any minute as an amendment to appropriations legislation.

They were trying to catch us sleeping, but your phone calls, letters, and faxes helped kill that effort.

But now Big Labor's allies in the Senate are at it again.

Please send your Senators a free action fax IMMEDIATELY and afterwards call them and urge them to vote NO on this brazen union boss power grab by clicking here.

You see, the Police and Firefighters Monopoly Bargaining Bill is designed to force every firefighter and police officer in the country under union boss control.

Worse, it's just the first step toward forcing ALL state and local public employees under Big Labor's thumb.

And during these troubled economic times, passage of the Police and Firefighters Monopoly Bargaining Bill is the LAST thing we need.

All you need to do is take a look at California and Illinois to see what the rest of the nation has in store should S. 3194 pass.

California is facing a budget deficit of over $19 billion thanks to out-of-control government union bosses and their outrageous demands.

Illinois is facing a $13 billion shortfall -- half the state’s budget.

Dropping down a level, the city of Vallejo, California, actually went bankrupt after nearly 75 percent of its budget was spent on satisfying the demands of the union agreement covering police and firefighters.

And the Mayor of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, recently stated that struggling cities are “handcuffed” by public sector monopoly bargaining.

The union-label Democrat leadership in Congress is DESPERATEto pay back their Big Labor allies.

It’s an election year. The union bosses can see the writing on the wall, and they know they simply MUST get their payback now before it’s too late.

And the Police and Firefighters Monopoly Bargaining Bill is at the top of their “to do” list.

That's why it's vital you send your Senators a free action fax IMMEDIATELY and urge them to oppose this toxic union boss power grab.

And after you have filled out your free fax authorization form, we’ll provide you with the phone numbers of your Senators so you can call and urge them to vote NO on S. 3194.

Demand that they OPPOSE any bill that includes Police and Firefighters Monopoly Bargaining.


Mark Mix
President, Right to Work Committee

P.S. Please send your Senators a free action fax IMMEDIATELYand urge them to oppose the Police and Firefighters Monopoly Bargaining Bill or any attempt to add this Big Labor power grab to other legislation.