Thursday, 15 July 2010

Guido Fawkes

Don’t Go AWOL Gordon, Just Go

Gordon held a party at London Zoo on Sunday, he had another party at Labour HQ on Monday. He is becoming something of a party boy. He has even been seen smiling manically around Portcullis House and found time to meet and greet a visiting member of the Kennedy clan.

What about the job the taxpayers pay him for and the voters elected him to do? Nothing. He hasn’t turned up for a single vote. The man who promised in May to to get up every morning and fight for fairness every day didn’t vote against regressively raising VAT on the poor, didn’t speak in the budget debate, didn’t vote on the Finance Bill or show up for the opposition debate on jobs and the unemployed.

He should stand down and get a job he wants to do. Going AWOL is unacceptable.

According to Mandelson, Tony Blair described Gordon Brown as…

“Mad, bad, dangerous and beyond hope of redemption… flawed, lacking perspective and having a paranoia about him… He’s like something out of the mafiosi… He’s aggressive, brutal…there’s no one to match Gordon for someone who articulates high principles while practising the lowest skulduggery.”