Michael Shedlock 7 Jul 2010 Consumer credit has fallen an unprecedented 7 consecutive quarters. Moreover, credit is poised to plunge further as consumer spending plans are falling through the floor. |
Chris Puplava 7 Jul 2010 It is no secret that China has become the marginal player in the past decade in terms of global economic growth and commodity consumption. No longer is it that when the U.S. catches a cold the world sneezes, as it is now China that drives world... |
D Sherman Okst 6 Jul 2010 The “Invisible Hand” first becomes visible when Greenspan, Rubin, Summers & Congress muzzle Brooksley Born’s attempt to regulate --- What Warren Buffett coined: ‘Weapons Of Mass Destruction’ (Derivatives) Watch It Here If You Haven’t Seen It.... |
Bill Fleckenstein 6 Jul 2010 Weekend newspapers were quite grim and markets that were open on Monday traded lower. There is no shortage of reasons for that angst, but one making the rounds -- i.e., the notion that governments worldwide will enact strict austerity measures -- I... |
Brian Paragamian 6 Jul 2010 To say the least, the technicals of the stock market suggest an economy that is sluggish at best and quite possibly headed for a double dip recession or maybe something much worse. Could we be on the verge of another Great Depression developing and... |
8 Jul 2010
The seemingly ever-increasing number and Severity of Challenges, also generates Opportunities for...
7 Jul 2010
Are there dark forces changing economic conditions by using government fiscal and monetary policy...
5 Jul 2010
If this BP pressure vessel is being designed to withstand 40,000 psi internal pressure using a...
8 Jul 2010
This market has surprised many people as they were expecting gold to continue up to the $2000 level without any problems. Normally when you have such the unanimous viewpoint, the markets tend to go the other way.
8 Jul 2010
Although China is not the biggest economy in the world by GDP, (it is third, after growing a remarkable 8.7 percent last year), its exports are increasingly seen as the needed lifeline for many shaky economies.