Thursday, 15 July 2010

July 15, 2010

Time to Replace, Not Reform FDA

In this way, FDA, a captive of the drug industry, would be removed from the equation and science would reign over politics once and for all. Under the present system, FDA political managers know that if they play their cards right (and approve drug applications even in the face of serious safety questions), they may enjoy lucrative post-government employment. Were it not for comparable corruption in Congress, the system could........

by Attorney Jonathan Emord

Demonizing the Tea Party movement and those exposing lies
I gotta tell you I some times reach the point where I can’t stand to listen to any politicians or political commentators. Everyone has an agenda but they want us to believe that they don’t. Thanks to the internet very little gets said that there is not a record of. Last week I had the opportunity to speak at another Tea Party rally in my home state of Ohio. I am excited to see that Mom and Pop America are finally........
by Coach Dave Daubenmire

Immigration, Reconsidered
While the Obama administration has chosen the southern side in the Mexican-Arizonan border war, most Americans stand with their countrymen. They are troubled by the strain illegals place on services, the drugs and thugs moving north and blue-collar job prospects moving south. Then there is another factor: the political and cultural one. It’s well known that, should amnesty be granted to the 12 to 30 million illegals living among us, Barack Obama and his fellow travelers would.....
by Selwyn Duke

Marxist Chávez Jails Prominent Political Opponent
In another outrageous case of the abuse of human rights, the Hugo Chávez regime in Venezuela has arrested anti-communist activist Alejandro Peña Esclusa on trumped-up charges of being a terrorist. The president of UnoAmerica, an anti-communist alliance, and the author of The Foro de São Paulo: A Threat to Freedom in Latin America, Peña Esclusa is a former Venezuelan presidential candidate who has opposed efforts by the Chavez regime to spread Marxist revolution in Venezuela and.......
by Cliff Kincaid