Hidden Facts About Ritalin
Many parents around the country have discovered that Ritalin has become a condition for their children continuing in school. There are even reports, by parents, of threats from social agencies: “If you don't allow us to prescribe Ritalin for your ADHD child, we may decide that you are an unfit parent. We may decide to take your child away.” This mind-boggling state of affairs is fueled by teachers, principals, and school counselors, none of whom have medical training.........
by Investigative Reporter Jon Rappoport
Faith in the American People
In short, Reagan’s faith in the individual reinforced our sovereignty and freedom. It made us stronger and more independent. It helped assure us that government was to serve the American people, not the other way around. Obama’s distrust in the individual has reinforced governmental sovereignty. It is making us weaker and.......
by Attorney Jonathan Emord
Obama's ICE Chief Opposes Immigration Enforcement
While scolding the people of state of Arizona for their new immigration enforcement law, President Barack Obama and his minions repeatedly demonstrate their lack of enthusiasm for protecting the U.S. borders and cracking down on illegal (criminal) immigrants, say border security advocates. The Obama Administration recently appointed a police chief -- who believes in illegal alien sanctuary city policies.....
by NWV News
Simple, Effective Immigration Reform: Cut the Numbers
Overwhelming and irrefutable facts show illegal and massive unrestricted immigration harm our country. We face gridlocked and air polluted cities, environmental degradation, crime, health care problems and education nightmares. Massive immigration creates costs too high for American working families. While pro-open borders people strut their indignation and emotional charges, political winds change in all sectors of America......
by Frosty Wooldridge