My Black Dad and Obama Run for the Border-You’re Hired What happened to our ‘right to privacy'?
Now, here is my problem I mentioned. Dad loves Barack Obama, a man whose philosophy goes against everything I thought my dad stood for. Despite my attempts to convince dad otherwise, based on my personal experiences attending over 200 tea parties across America traveling on Tea Party Express, dad persists in believing the rallies are racist. Dad believes all criticism of Obama and his agenda is racist.........
by Lloyd Marcus
Is anybody out there in unemployment land willing to take some time while sponging off us taxpayers for 99+ weeks and go serve a cause greater than yourselves? We have millions of unemployed Americans who could line the border, stand watch and earn those unemployment extensions, while sending a firm message to the President and all of his co-conspirators on both sides of the isle in DC, and to Mexico. No More!.......
by Roger Fredinburg
Another control scheme, hiding behind health of course is the forced national Health ID card coming with the Obama care plan. It says plainly, right in the body of the bill that we will all be issued a national health identification card. It talks about this on page 62 and says that the operating rules, effective not later than January 1, 2013 will use a machine readable identification card. So much for privacy with your health......
by Laurie Roth
Friday, 9 July 2010
July 8, 2010
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Britannia Radio