Wednesday, 21 July 2010 07:46 'The weapon, mounted on a warship’s missile, shot down four unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) in secret testing carried out off the California coast, The Daily Telegraph has learnt. In a joint enterprise between US Navy and Raytheon Missile Systems the technology has now got to the stage where lasers will be deployed on warships as part of their short-range defence. For the first time a ‘solid state’ 32 mega watt laser beam of directed energy has been fired from a warship to a distance of more than two miles burning into a drone travelling at about 300mph.' Wednesday, 21 July 2010 07:44 'BP Plc’s oil spill may cost the U.S. Gulf Coast region 17,000 jobs and about $1.2 billion in lost economic growth by year-end even if the flow is stanched permanently next month, Moody’s Analytics said in a report. Under a more pessimistic scenario in which the oil spill continues through December and President Barack Obama’s six- month moratorium on deepwater drilling is extended, economic losses may reach $7.4 billion, and more than 100,000 jobs would be lost, Moody’s said today in a report written by Marisa Di Natale, a director based in West Chester, Pennsylvania.' Read more: Gulf Oil Spill May Cost 17,000 Jobs, Moody’s Says Wednesday, 21 July 2010 07:36 Wednesday, 21 July 2010 07:31 'A Baltimore family is raising the issue after their 12-year-old daughter was pulled out of line in Tampa and subjected to what they say was an embarrassing and unhealthy scan. The girl was traveling with an adult friend of the family, not her parents. "Our daughter was scared and didn't understand what was happening," said Michelle Nemphos, the mother of the girl. She declined to give her daughter's name. "In essence they conducted a strip search on a 12-year-old girl without her parents present to advocate for her".' Wednesday, 21 July 2010 07:20 Wednesday, 21 July 2010 07:11 'Some of the world's wealthiest and most prominent begin arriving today for the annual encampment at the Bohemian Grove, a gathering some describe as a benign men's club and others as an insidious gathering of power. The encampment is expected to have 2,000 attendees at any one time, a guest list that has included U.S. presidents and foreign heads of state, politicians, industrial barons, actors, artists and musicians. As in the past, their identities and a description of the programs are closely guarded by officials of the San Francisco-based Bohemian Club.' Read more: 'Guests' Arrive for Annual Bohemian Grove 'Summer Camp' (Meeting of the Satanic 'Elite') Wednesday, 21 July 2010 07:01 'The ongoing saga with Google censorship has continued today as it emerged that once again the search engine giant removed a key term from it’s trends pages. Alex Jones yesterday asked his readers and listeners to send the term ‘Google spies’ to the top of the trends charts in the latest effort to fight back against the company’s censorship of his films on YouTube.' Read more: Top Secret America: Google Launches Cover Up Of ‘Google Spies’ Story -------------------------------------------------- 'More information has emerged about Google’s relationship with the government and spook agencies. The revelations should come as no surprise.' Read more: Group Calls for Hearings Into Google’s Ties to CIA and NSA Wednesday, 21 July 2010 06:56 'Police in southern Russia are investigating allegations of animal cruelty after a donkey was made to parasail as part of an advertising stunt, Russian media report. The donkey was sent up into the sky last week by entrepreneurs hoping to attract people to their private beach. Witnesses near the beach on the Sea of Azov in the Krasnodar region said the animal had been screaming in fear.' Wednesday, 21 July 2010 06:53 Wednesday, 21 July 2010 06:48 Tuesday, 20 July 2010 09:16 'Three hundred soldiers are patrolling a normally tranquil village in France's Loire Valley after dozens of armed travellers clashed with police. The riot erupted on Sunday morning in Saint-Aignan after a gendarme had shot and killed a traveller who had driven through a checkpoint, officials said. Travellers armed with hatchets and iron bars then attacked the village police station and hacked down trees.' Read more: Troops Patrol French Village of Saint-Aignan After Riot Tuesday, 20 July 2010 09:07 'After nearly two weeks of meetings with senior Hungarian officials, the IMF and EU teams on Saturday called an abrupt halt to the discussions. They said Hungary couldn't have access—for now, at least—to the remaining funds in a 20 billion euro ($25.9 billion) loan package secured in late 2008 to rescue the country from a financial meltdown. Tuesday, 20 July 2010 08:58 A vaccine patch could cut out the need for painful needles and boost the effectiveness of immunisation against diseases like flu, say US researchers. The patch has hundreds of microscopic needles which dissolve into the skin. Tests in mice show the technology may even produce a better immune response than a conventional jab.' Tuesday, 20 July 2010 08:48 'U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron announced plans to use “hundreds of millions of pounds” from dormant bank accounts to fund community projects, while Business Secretary Vince Cable said lenders “ripped off” customers. Cameron said he will press ahead with a proposal set out in the coalition government’s program to establish a “Big Society Bank” to finance moves by charitable groups and not-for-profit companies to take over jobs currently done by the government.' Read more: Cameron Raids Dormant U.K. Accounts as Minister Attacks Banks Tuesday, 20 July 2010 08:39 'Democracy Village, a ragtag community of peace activists, pro-democracy campaigners and the homeless in central London, is about to be torn down. It was born on May Day this year, when an anti-war march from Clerkenwell Green to Trafalgar Square stumbled a few hundred yards further to hang effigies of the party leaders on a gibbet in Parliament Square. And ever since it has lended something of a fresh look to the seat of British power. Boris Johnson, the mayor of London, went to the courts to have the protesters evicted, on the grounds that Parliament Square was "becoming an eyesore". They appealed, but on Friday their appeal was denied, and now the end is nigh. Some have already left; others are waiting for the police to remove them.' Tuesday, 20 July 2010 08:34 'On the 2nd July 2010 the Costa Rica Congress authorized the entry of 46 U.S. warships capable of carrying 200 helicopters and warplanes, plus 7,000 U.S. Marines "who may circulate the country in uniform without any restrictions" , plus submarine killer ships to the Costa Rican coast for "anti-narcotics operations and humanitarian missions' between 1st July 2010 until 31st December 2010. With this kind of nation destroying firepower, it gives real meaning to the expression "war on drugs", but if this a real six month "war on drugs" we should expect to see some fantastic results, right? Politicians representing the Acción Ciudadana (PAC), the Unidad Social Cristiana (PUSC) and the Frente Amplio (FA) political parties opposed the measure saying that the destructive force of the ships, helicopters and 7,000 US Marines is "disproportionate for the fight against drug trafficking".' Read more: 46 US Warships Plus 7,000 US Marines On Route To Costa Rica? Tuesday, 20 July 2010 08:24 'With practically every action, President Barack Obama is demonstrating that he is, indeed, in a Hitler-in- the-bunker mode. Sources close to the White House have reported that the President went absolutely berserk over an open letter to him, issued by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, assailing the Administration for failing to do anything to promote jobs, at a time when this is the number one problem on the minds of the vast majority of Americans.' Read more: Obama Flaunts His Insanity: Freaks Over U.S. Chamber AttackMcAskill ... fully paid-up member of Bullshitters' Anonymous
What else has a forked tongue?
The real background of the release of a man who did not plant the Lockerbie bomb ... and the Hollie Greig connection ...
How many paedophiles work for the Transportation Security Administration (TSA)? Answer: we don't know. But if you were a paedophile would you now not want to??
I think they call it HYPOCRISY
You don't have to be white to be racist, or any other creed or colour. It is a state of mind that can manifest through white, black, Jew, Arab or the guy who looks sky blue-pink.
Group Calls for Hearings Into Google’s Ties to CIA and NSA
The rebuke to Hungary represents a warning to governments across Europe that the IMF and EU won't tolerate backsliding by borrowers on budget-cutting. The decision, which effectively withdraws the international safety net under Hungary's tentative recovery, also risks unsettling currency and debt markets.'
Wednesday, 21 July 2010
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Britannia Radio