"Lib Lab please"
>> WEDNESDAY, JULY 14, 2010
Hello all, good to be back (not that any of you noticed I was gone, you feckers).
Do you recall that time of political limbo following the general election when the make-up of the next government was still undecided? We all had opinions...
I mention this only because "maxiec" happens to be a producer on Radio 5 Live's Breakfast show.
God forbid should anybody suggest that the BBC isn't impartial.
>> TUESDAY, JULY 13, 2010
BBC Today programme very keen to paint the notion that the past few nights of Republican thuggery on the streets of Northern Ireland are in some way linked to "contentious" Orange Order Parades. This is so outrageous that I thought I might set the record straight. In most instances, the violence is taking part in IRA controlled heartlands and those terrorists firing at police officers are out to KILL them. The reason why the BBC plays the establish game is that to delve too deeply into these riots might expose the rancid appeasement that lies at the heart of the "peace process." It's a little tricky to spin the line that violence does not pay whilst IRA godfather Martin McGuinness sits in high office and the scum on the streets of Northern Ireland are merely following the template provided for them. Odd how the BBC chooses not to investigate that line of thought. Instead, it chooses who is interviewed very carefully and the impression that this is a little local difficulty is conveyed so the lotus-eaters here can keep on dreaming...