I note that Conservative MP David Tredinnick shares some of our concerns regarding the State Broadcaster.. The BBC loves the ongoing conflict with the Anglican Church. On the one had, it presents the forces of liberal enlightenment who seek to have Gay Bishops and Woman Priests, and on the other there are those dreadful stick-in-the-mud "traditionalists." You can always tell which side the BBC is on and it keeps nibbling at this issue, always portraying those who would seek to maintain Anglican scriptural traditions as the problem. As the weekend approaches, and the previous Open Thread threatens to pass the 200 comments mark, time for a brand new Michael Gove authorised and approved open thread....! Despite telling us how "beautiful" Islam can be, sometimes even the BBC has to deal with the reality of the pathology of "peace". Covering the story of the Iranian woman sentenced to be stoned to death but now, allegedly, reprieved by those kindly Mullahs. the BBC makes the following observation... Isn't it REMARKABLE to see the BBC keeping the non-story concerning administrative errors in a list published by Education Secretary Michael Gove's Department running, trying to suggest this could be a resigning matter and might be the first split in the Coalition. Like rabid dogs, the BBC shows no logic on this but instead chooses to use it to try and hurt Gove and the Coalition. The BBC is trying to create the fiction that Gove himself has clumsily made serial errors of such a scale that were he honourable, he would resign. It's much ado about nothing but through the malign prism of the BBC, this is a chance to undermine the Government and THAT is the real agenda in play here. I could understand this if the BBC was choosing to point out the incompetency within the Civil Service but that is somehow not mentioned. It's Gove Jihad and it is truly pathetic.LOVING THE TALIBAN..
>> FRIDAY, JULY 09, 2010
"Tory MP David Tredinnick used the statement to raise concerns about the BBC's report on the issue. "Many years ago during the Gulf War, I accused the BBC of being the Baghdad broadcasting corporation," he told MPs. "I am very concerned that there is now a similar situation with the Taliban, in that they are getting far too high a profile."
He told politics.co.uk shortly after his appearance in the chamber that he thought it was unfair to present the Taliban as a coherent, organised group. "Instead of giving them this grand title we should describe them as a bunch of terrorists," he said. "Why we are we building these people up? They're a bunch of scruffs out there with RPGs who are using kids with wheelbarrows to blow up our troops. "We need a much blunter, more realistic assessment. Churchill would never have put up with this kind of propaganda in a wartime situation."
The BBC denied that its coverage had given the Taliban's views excessive prominence. I bet it did.THAT ANGLICAN WHIPPING BOY...
Under Iran's strict interpretation of Islamic law, sex before marriage is punishable by 100 lashes, but married offenders are sentenced to death by stoning. The stones used must be large enough to cause the condemned pain, but not sufficient to kill immediately.
Maybe next time the BBC has one of its legion of Islamic apologists on the networks, someone could gently enquire how it is the "stricter" and therefore more authentic one interprets Islam, the more savage it becomes? Can you imagine any BBC presenter pursuing such a line?GOVE JIHAD
Friday, 9 July 2010
As ever, our nations enemies realise the BBC is their greatest asset. The license-payer funded enemy within.
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Britannia Radio