Friday, 23 July 2010

Market Observation

Chris Puplava's picture
21 Jul 2010
Over the course of the last two months the markets have had a lot of volatility and yet have essentially gone nowhere. While surveying the markets I see a host of indicators, indexes, commodities, credit spreads that are at a cross roads of sorts in...

Featured Article

Dock Treece's picture
22 Jul 2010
Mr. Treece provides a new perspective on the concept of gold as money, arguing that its lack of practical purpose makes it no better than any other currency.

Market Observation

Chris Puplava's picture
21 Jul 2010
Over the course of the last two months the markets have had a lot of volatility and yet have essentially gone nowhere. While surveying the markets I see a host of indicators, indexes, commodities, credit spreads that are at a cross roads of sorts in...

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Update on euro

22 Jul 2010
Late last week we produced a video on the euro (which was posted on our blog on Monday), making a case that the currency was very close, if not at its highs. Since then, we have had two significant events fall into place which made the dollar skyrocket against the euro.

Storm Watch

FSO Exclusives

Chris Puplava's picture
Chris Puplava
21 Jul 2010
Over the course of the last two months the markets have had a lot of volatility and yet have essentially gone nowhere. While surveying the markets I see a host of indicators, indexes, commodities, credit spreads that are at a cross roads of sorts in...
Brian Paragamian's picture
Brian Paragamian
20 Jul 2010
While pundits continue to hype the economy recovering, we continue to see deflation pressures building. All of the latest economic data has been terrible and does not look to be getting any better. Oh, and just in case you thought differently, The...
Matthew Millar's picture
Matthew Millar
20 Jul 2010
As a market observer and trader for the past 6 years, it often seems as though we sit at some sort of crossroads of great import where the market will either go one way or the other with definitiveness. My perception has been that we are on the cusp...
Jan Burr's picture
Jan Burr
20 Jul 2010
Having completed an interview with President Wilson, I next interview President Jackson on Central Banking and his mistrust of it.
John Butler's picture
John Butler
19 Jul 2010
Back in 2006, while working for a major US investment bank, I was asked by the Chief Global Economist to participate in a small survey to estimate the probability of the US economy facing a currency crisis—that is, one that forces interest rates...

Other FSO Articles

22 Jul 2010
Three categories of Investments Offer an Opportunity for both Profit and Protection in this Bear...
19 Jul 2010
Believe it or not but I have identified 72 economists, academics, gold analysts and market...
15 Jul 2010
Addressing One Factor is and will be absolutely essential to achieving Profit and Protection in the...

Financial Sense Newshour

Financial Sense Newshour

National Debt -  Ticking Time Bomb?

The End of Wall Street