The Marriott Foundation and the NWO
Friday, 2 July 2010
The Marriott Foundation donates to many worthy causes. So do many other Foundations that can be linked to the Illuminati. Such donations serve a variety of purposes:
1. The Global Elite believe that they can offset their evil deeds, which include genocide, narcotics trafficking, Pedophile Rings and the wholesale corruption of our youth and society through pornography and Gay Rights etc., with generous financial donations to worthy causes.
2. Such Donations provide a front for other illicit activities that the Trust may be involved in.
3. Donations to worthy causes provide a barrier to criticism of the other activities the individual is involved with.
While this may, or may not be the case with the Marriott family, after examining their 2008 Charitable Foundation tax filings, we are left with a few questions:
1. Five Thousand dollars were donated to the Anti-Defamation League, an Illuminati organization used to insulate the Satanic Psychopathic Banksters from any real criticism.
2. $300,000 were donated to the "Center for Association Leadership" a Globalist educational endeavor.
3. $200,000 were donated to the "Center City Consortium" an inner-city school partnership that was sued for replacing white School Principals with Minority Ones (reverse discrimination)
4. $10,000 to Easter Seals, which asked Congress to increase funding for stem-cell embryonic research (stem cells from aborted babies).
5. $25,000 to the Girl Scouts, which openly advocate the Lesbian, Communist and Feminist Agendas. (source)
6. $10,000 to Girls Incorporated, which apparently pushes the Planned Parenthood-Pro-Abortion Agenda. (Source)
7. $20,000 to IMPACT Silver Spring, an advocate for "multi-culturism".
9. $50,000 to the UN/Globalist International Business Leadership Forum and its search for "sustainable" growth. To understand what sustainable growth is, see the Georgia Guidestones.
10. $22,000 to Hospice Caring. Hospice has long been criticized by Euthanasia Opponents and advocated by the Illuminati as a "soft sell" formula for ending the lives of the seriously ill with narcotics, starvation and thirst. See the Knights Hospitallers
11. $92,633 to the Hispanic Scholarship fund, which gives college scholarships to illegal immigrants. (Source)
13. $15,00 to Junior Achievement, which encourages teaching the benefits of Globalism, World Trade and the International Economic Order in the classroom. (Source)
I will continue this analysis in my next article. For now, let's examine some of Bill Marriott's policy statements in Illegal Immigration:
"One of the most difficult issues surrounds how to handle undocumented immigrants who are already here. The consequences of expelling them would devastate an economy running on full employment. It would be counterproductive." (Source)
Translation: Marriott Hotels hires illegal immigrants and would be devastated if they were kicked out of the country. The quote above did not go far enough, so Bill Marriott also stated:
Marriott International (MAR) CEO J.W. Marriott Jr. decried the U.S. House on Tuesday for approving legislation that would make criminals of illegal immigrants and employers who hire them...
"Do you look upon yourselves as felons?" Marriott asked the crowd of more than 600 hotel executives and other travel industry leaders meeting here at the Global Travel & Tourism Summit. High-level government ministers, investors and executives from 60 countries gathered at the annual summit to discuss the state of the travel industry. (Source)
...Marriott said that hotels are one of the many industries in the USA that rely on immigrants to fill entry-level jobs, and those who take them often work their way up to better jobs.
"We just can't get the work done without people from other nations," he said.
He said he understands that countries want to regulate immigration to strengthen security, but he said, "We must pursue policies that allow people to seek the chance to build better lives for themselves and their families."
In an interview after his speech, the hotel executive said that roughly half the people who work in the 2,400 Marriott hotels in the USA were born outside this country. Employees speak 47 different languages. It's impossible to determine how many workers are here illegally because their documents could be forged, he said.
For the 25% of you that are unemployed or underemployed, staying at a Marriott owned Hotel might be perceived as a big "thank you" to the Globalist that helped put you out of work. Something to consider on your next overnight journey.
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The Marriott Foundation donates to many worthy causes. So do many other Foundations that can be linked to the Illuminati. Such donations serve a variety of purposes:
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Britannia Radio