Michael Howard told Andrew Neil… “I’m not in favour of sending everyone to prison – of course not – far from it. The argument that has arisen is that Ken for, goodness knows what reason, has sought to challenge this link between the number of people in prison and the amount of crime and the facts are totally stacked against him. He suggested in a speech he made last week that it was more to do with growing prosperity that crime had fallen. The day after he said that the crime figures came out and showed that, during the worst recession since the 1930s, they’d fallen a further 9% which, I’m afraid, made him look rather foolish.” Jack Straw Made Prescott Look Like Cicero – Jerry Hayes
Irish Legislate “Licence to Kill” Burglars – IrishCentral.com
First For Breaking News – Mark Wallace
‘Labour Feels Like a Family in a Car Crash’ – Today
An Audience with Gordon – Jon Craig
DC Dodges TUC, Cites Pregnancy – 24Dash
Darling Might Quit Parliament Soon – James Macintyre
Cameron Should Not Copy Obama – Raheem Kassam
Save £25- Third Man Completely Digested – Guardian
Thursday, 22 July 2010
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Britannia Radio