Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Date: Wednesday, July 7, 2010, 12:00 PM


1751 Second Ave, New York, NY 10128

Tel: 212-828-2424; Fax: 212-828-1717;;

Contact: Helen Freedman, Executive Director

July 7, 2010

To our AFSI members:

For those who haven't seen it, a lengthy article appeared in the NY Times on Tuesday, July 6, the purpose of which was to attack philanthropists who donate money to communities in Israel that are over the green line - in Judea and Samaria - which the Times refers to as the West Bank.

Although I was quoted only once in the 5000 word article, page 10 of the paper carried a four column photo of me and the AFSI Chizuk group at a community in the Shomron. Americans For a Safe Israel was named, and I was singled out by name. That was very flattering - and for people who only look at pictures, perhaps it will be good publicity for the organization.

The content of the article is so anti-Israel, that it will surely feed the anti-Semitic fires that are blazing around the world. One would almost think the NY Times is working for Barack Obama, especially since the article appeared on the day Bibi Netanyahu was meeting with Obama in DC.

I invite you to look at the slide show. Some of the photos are beautiful - and you'll find the AFSI group in the seventh slide. Ctrl & click will take you to the first link.

If you have the stomach for the whole article, the 2nd link will take you there.

If you are so inclined, I believe a letter to the editor of the NY Times,, would be in order. If you do write one, please send us a copy.

All the best,
