Murdoch’s paywall is killing the Times Of London
What’s Really Going on Behind Murdoch’s Paywall? In London, Rupert Murdoch put a paywall around The Times and Sunday Times July 2: Any click off the homepage pops up a subscription screen.
Euroland’s authorities are inflicting a triple shock of fiscal, monetary, and currency tightening on a broken economy. They are doing so in a region where industrial output is still 14pc below its peak, where growth barely scraped above zero over the winter “recovery”, and where youth unemployment is at 40pc in Spain, 35pc in Slovakia, 29pc in Italy, and 26pc in Ireland.
• John Taylor Says The Euro Is Like A “Headless Chicken”, States Prop Trading Makes Up 80% Of Goldman’s Revenue
• The Sovereign Debt Supercycle Will Keep Getting Worse Until Something Breaks
As we know, the globalists endeavor to “even the odds” in the world through the concept of wealth redistribution. Simply put, richer nations should freely bleed some of their wealth for absorption into the soil of poorer ones. Sounds reasonable to quite a number of people.
Faced with a $118 million budget deficit, the city of San Jose, Calif., recently decided it could no longer afford its own janitors.
The Ministry of Truth was how George Orwell described the mechanism used by government to control information in his seminal novel 1984.
Last Updated: Monday, July 19, 2010 12:46 |