Thursday, 8 July 2010

New York National Guard Units Scan Vehicles For Gun Confiscations
The New York National Guard is working with local law enforcement authorities to perform sophisticated scans of vehicles entering the New York area looking for guns and drugs in the latest alarming example of how America is under a state of de facto martial law.

Shipping Our Economy, Our Jobs And Our Prosperity To China
As the U.S. economy continues to implode, large American corporations are investing billions upon billions of dollars in China.

 Red Flags for the Economy 
 Central Banks Dumping Gold At A Torrid Pace

Climategate Whitewash Complete: Third Inquiry Clears Everyone Involved
A third and final inquiry into the climategate scandal has exonerated everyone involved and declared that there is no question over the science behind manmade global warming – even though, like its predecessors, it has not investigated the science.

Obama Commits Act of High Treason; Sides with Foreign Power Against Arizona
In his latest You Tube address, Alex Jones examines the factors leading towards the Obama Administration’s pending lawsuit against Arizona’s controversial immigration laws, an act of treason under the 11th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution which bars the suing of states under certain circumstances.

• Obama’s New Health Care Czar: “We Must Redistribute Wealth”