We keep forgetting that America is really just a microcosm that reflects a situation that is occurring throughout the West. The American elite is part of a much bigger World Elite that exhibits the same identical behavior everywhere, and the aim is to destroy what is left of Christian conservative culture. You can think of numerous examples of how that is done. Just think ACLU. One of the main weapons used against us is virtually unlimited immigration. We see our country flooded with illegal immigrants, who are portrayed in the media as victims. In the street and in our economy, we see the opposite: Americans stripped of jobs, hospitals forced to donate a high percentage of services to illegal aliens, cities and states (California comes to mind) going bankrupt because of the enormous social burden from services funneled to people who don't pay their share of taxes. But this elitist attitude that drives unlimited immigration and the political correctness that forbids us to discuss it honestly, or even uses the courts to oppose laws like that in Arizona aimed at controlling the crime, drugs, economic chaos, soaring unemployment, imminent bankruptcy. My translation of the German text: "Fighting in the classroom -- German students in the minority" For 45 minutes, ARD (a German TV netword) showed the everyday reality in a high school in Essen (North Rhine Westphalia). A daily reality of brutality, a dark parallel world in which Germans are terrorized and Islam sets the tone. 156 students, 70% Muslims. Turks, Lebanese, Kurds. Principal Roswitha Tschueter says: "The violence is coming mostly from the Lebanese students." Sebastian (16) is constantly beaten up by fellow students [the author didn't quite have the nerve to say "Muslim" here]. His mother says: "They even knocked him down with a chair." Hulia (17) converted to Islam. Her Palestinian boyfriend says: "She doesn't party, doesn't wear miniskirts. German girls have too much freedom" [true, but if they allowed Christians the same freedom of expression as they do Muslims, Christian morals would flourish again. Germany bans home schooling and routinely removes Christian kids from their homes under the pretext that they are creating a "parallel society," whatever that means]. A lot of students [Muslim] think: The Germans are sh-t. You don't make friends with Germans." "They call you a nazi if you express yourself," says one girl. During Ramadan [when Muslims fast], they spit in the German students' food. Muslim girls can only go swimming fully clothed. One [Muslim] girl, asked what kind of husband she would like to marry, said "one who doesn't beat me." 45 Minuten lang zeigte die ARD den Alltag an einer Hauptschule in Essen (NRW). Einen Alltag voller Brutalität, eine finstere Parallelwelt, in der Deutsche terrorisiert werden und der Islam das Denken bestimmt. 156 Schüler, 70 Prozent Muslime. Türken, Libanesen, Kurden. Schulleiterin Roswitha Tschüter: "Die Gewalt geht vor allem von libanesischen Schülern aus." Sebastian (16) wird immer wieder von Mitschülern verprügelt. Seine Mutter: "Sogar mit einem Stuhl haben sie ihn zusammengeschlagen." Julia (17) ist zum Islam konvertiert. Ihr palästinensischer Freund: "Sie geht nicht feiern, zieht keine Miniröcke an. Deutsche Mädchen haben zu viele Freiheiten." "Man wird als Nazi beschimpft, wenn man seine Meinung sagt", erzählt eine Schülerin. Am Ramadan wird deutschen Schülern ins Essen gespuckt. Muslimische Mädchen dürfen nur voll bekleidet zum Schwimmunterricht. Auf die Frage, was für einen Mann sie sich wünschen, sagt ein Mädchen: "Einen, der mich nicht schlägt." Not only in the US --
Western elites ALL bent on destroying the Westhttp://rss-video.net/kampf-im-klassenzimmer/
"Kampf im Klassenzimmer - Deutsche Schüler in der Minderheit"
Sunday, 25 July 2010
Politics & USA Lists
Totally agree! Same here in England, Donald - same here, my friend!
We are ALL at war with Islam - and the politicians keep capitualting to their demands.
You can only go on for so long, giving in to a bully - in my own experience! (my school days....and then Hitler!)
Batten down the hatches, we are in for a rough ride!
-Sunday, July 25, 2010 6:31 PM
Not only in the US -- Western elites ALL bent on destroying the West
We Americans have a bad habit:
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Britannia Radio