O LAND OF ZION By Bernard J. Shapiro
Look to the east to a land far away but near To a land where prophets roam and warriors do battle Where the river Jordan flows in mystic splendor Where hopes are born and dreams are realized I look to a land of struggle, blood and tears The Land is my people, the mother of the Jew O Land of Zion, my heart longs for you.
The soil of Zion is good beyond measure It rewards those who care enough To see its beauty and its grace Past the sand and stones of neglect The valleys blossom with the fruit of Eden And the mountains are ablaze with color, they sparkle with the dew O Land of Zion, my heart belongs to you.
I wandered far and searched the earth for peace But only in Zion was my heart at rest And only in Jerusalem was my soul free at last To seek the meaning of the universe and all its mysteries To ponder the rebirth of my people and our destiny Here in the hills and valleys of Israel, my understanding grew O Land of Zion, my true love is with you. ===================
Written in Jerusalem in June of 1967 and first published in the Jewish Herald-Voice (Houston) on December 13, 1973 |
Tuesday, 13 July 2010
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Britannia Radio