Obama, marriage: 'Saboteur in chief' An expert on the legal issues of marriage and family is accusing President Obama's administration of knowingly sabotaging marriage in America by ignoring the foundation for the nation's laws and instead citing "politically motivated" claims from special interests. Read the latest now on WND.com. Plus! The National Rifle Association today stood on its publicly posted announcement that it has not yet endorsed any candidate in the Nevada Senate race - pitting tea party challenger Sharron Angle against longtime Democrat powerhouse incumbent Sen. Harry Reid.
That's as rumors are flooding the Web that the organization, which recently angered many members by withdrawing opposition to a bill that effectively will limit free speech about candidates by some groups, was ready to adopt a pro-Harry stance amid concerns that a loss by the Senate leader would move an even more anti-gun candidate into the leadership post.Click here for details. Must Read News Survey: Bible reading tied to financial success Netanyahu 'relaxes' reading Bible with son 'U.S. dollars burn while Obama fiddles' Campaign for genuine 'hope' launching Frigate attack earns U.N. condemnation NATO sees Ukraine slip-sliding away WND Radio: Democrats 'ducking and hiding' until midterms WND Radio: 'De facto moratorium killing us economically' WND Radio: Obama's 'gay'-marriage agenda Today's Poll Sound off on the NRA considering support for Harry Reid Other Highlights Theologian: Jews better at sex than Christians
Feds: Dog bathrooms required at airports
Labor: $7 billion in overpayments to unemployed
Cheap 'made in China' era coming to an end
Make WND your homepage today!In Case You Missed It Senate-seeker wants Obama birth-certificate treatment Whistleblower Magazine AMERICA THE EXCEPTIONAL
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Saturday, 10 July 2010
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Britannia Radio