Monday, 12 July 2010

Obamacare to be repealed BEFORE election?
News that a discharge petition in the House of Representatives has gathered half the names necessary to force a vote repealing Obamacare has spurred an online petition campaign to rally the public to the cause.
Read the latest now on

A recently released book touts evidence showing President Barack Obama was a member of a socialist political party whose aim was to move Democrats far leftward to ultimately form a new political party, one that had fully embraced a socialist agenda.
Click here for details.

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The Flex Belt literately flexes your stomach muscles for you so they get a very concentrated work out. Using state of art Electronic Muscle Tonight Technology, it makes it so that anyone can exercise their abs anywhere and anytime and it does all the work for you. You can use it at work, around the house, while taking a walk, while exercising, watching TV etc. In a clinical trial done with The Flex Belt, 100% of the participants received results in flattening, toning, and strengthening their stomach.
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Planet of the apes: Monkeys taught to shoot Americans?
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Old dog

Today's Poll
What do you think about the Left's latest answer to the tea party?

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Photo: Face of Jesus appears in flag?
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Whistleblower Magazine
Obama hates America. Why?
Discover why his administration loathes the most exceptional nation in history

Deal Of the Day
Don't let amnesty happen
Let everyone know you favor LEGAL, not ILLEGAL immigration