Friday 2 July 2010

OUTPOSTS in a Time of Turmoil

6/28/2010 10:52:00 PM 
A7 Radio's "The Tamar Yonah Show" with Tamar Yonah
Listen Now!

The Eidelberg Report, "Needed: A Testosteronic Prime Minister! "
Or, more aptly, "Jewish Cowboys, And Why We Need Them ". Tamar speaks with Ezra Ridgley, author of the book, "Judea and Samaria: The Land of G-d ". Ridgley talks about the importance of today's Jewish pioneers, the hill top youth, the 'Jewish cowboys', who build many of the outposts in Judea & Samaria. Why are these outposts important? How do they get their names? What are the security advantages of building these new satellite communities? Ridgley tells all, and offers you a chance to help and be part of this movement, even from overseas!  Check out his facebook page hereand contact him here