Saturday, 17 July 2010 09:17 'Parents who fail to help an obese child eat and exercise properly, ignoring all advice and guidance, could be guilty of neglect, child health experts say today. Dr Russell Viner and colleagues from the UCL Institute of Child Health in London say that the weight of a child by itself is not a reason for child protection staff to get involved. But in an article on what they accept is a potentially contentious issue, published online today by the British Medical Journal, they suggest that it may be appropriate to consider the child protection register if the parents consistently fail to change the family's lifestyle and will not engage with outside help.' Read more: Parents of Obese Children May be Guilty of Neglect Saturday, 17 July 2010 09:10 'Baroness Ashton, the EU foreign minister or “High Representative”, will be given a special seat alongside a new European UN ambassador with “the right to speak in a timely manner, the right of reply, the right to circulate documents, the right to make proposals and submit amendments (and) the right to raise points of order”. This is without doubt the biggest EU power grab since the introduction of the Lisbon Treaty, and combined with the formation of the EU diplomatic corps (European External Action Service, as it is officially known) represents a further giant step towards the building of a European superstate at the expense of the nation state. These developments should be of immense concern to anyone who cares about the erosion of British sovereignty within Europe and maintaining an independent foreign policy.' Saturday, 17 July 2010 09:05 Children are being stolen on a colossal scale in enforced secrecy by the State all over the world Saturday, 17 July 2010 08:49 'On 26 May 2010, unreported by the British mainstream press and media, another ‘Child-Stealing by the State’ case occurred in Gibraltar. A 10-year-old IVF girl was snatched from her mother (Ms G) in a secret court, and immediately flown back to UK in the custody of Isle of Wight Social Services. What was the mother’s crime? To try and protect her daughter (Miss X) from paedophile abuse she had suffered from the age of two. What was the little girl’s crime? – to try and tell the truth about her abuse.' Read more: Ten-Year-Old Snatched From Her Mother in Secret Court Saturday, 17 July 2010 08:43 'This page was compiled as a guide to the many varying types of Morgellons fiber specimens that I have found thus far. More detailed information is presented on some of the specimens in the Photo Journal and at other headings at the Morgellons Exposed website. Other researchers may have additional specimens to those I have discovered. This disease has variations from person to person. There are many different kinds of fibers involved with Morgellons disease. Each type has it's own specific purpose. This is why I have come to the conclusion that a complex system of wiring is taking place in human beings. The chemtrails, tainted food, inoculations, and clothing fibers are an attempt to transhumanize us or to simply reduce our life span. I believe it is both. Take a good look at all of the different manifestations that are happening in the human body and consider the frightening possibilities.' Read more: Racing Down The Road To Transhumanism ! Saturday, 17 July 2010 07:46 In our leading article today we provide an overview of the nightmare future envisaged by a recent Rockefeller Foundation study which describes a global dictatorship tightly controlled by the world’s elite and super rich. The Rockefeller blueprint for a new world order entitled “Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development,” predicts four future narratives.' Saturday, 17 July 2010 07:32 'Blair certainly did what he "thought was right" for Tony Blair. As Peter Oborne pointed out in March : "We now know that the wretched Blair has multiplied his personal fortune many times over by trading off the connections he made while in Downing Street. Shockingly, he fought a long battle to conceal the source of his new-found wealth, and only this month did it finally become public that one of his largest clients was a South Korean oil company, the UI Energy Corporation, with extensive interests in Iraq ... he has also made £1million from advising the Kuwaiti royal family. It can be fairly claimed that Blair has profiteered as a result of the Iraq War in which so many hundreds of thousands of people died ... in the league of shame, Tony Blair is arguably the worst of them all".' Saturday, 17 July 2010 07:28 'All five candidates for the Labour Party leadership have been scuttling to distance themselves from the record of Gordon Brown in power. But the odds-on favourite to win the leadership contest, former Foreign Secretary David Miliband, is finding it very hard indeed to disentangle himself from the most sordid and shameful aspect of New Labour rule - British involvement in the torture of numerous terror suspects overseas. Today, a special Mail investigation can reveal the depths of Miliband's embroilment in the torture scandal - and shows that Labour's latest golden boy is in complete denial about New Labour's record in sanctioning and then covering up British involvement in torture over the past decade.' Saturday, 17 July 2010 07:06 'The New York Times reported yesterday that the criminal gang at Goldman Sachs is paying a $550 million "fine" to the Securities and Exchange Commission to "settle" their fraud case. If approved, the settlement would "represent only a small financial dent for Goldman, which reported $13.38 billion in profit last year." Meanwhile, Goldman Sach's shares rose 5% in after-hours trading alone on the news adding about $3.5 billion in value to their market cap. Ah, life is good for the banksters at the top of the pyramid, especially when the media is on your side too.' Read more: Goldman Sachs Mafia Pays Hush Money to the S.E.C. Police Saturday, 17 July 2010 07:02 Saturday, 17 July 2010 06:57 'British citizens face being subjected to chilling new EU 'Big Brother' surveillance and investigation powers. Bureaucrats want foreign officials to be able to travel to the UK and immediately assume the powers of our own police. They would be able to order undercover-spying missions, demand DNA and even pursue people for 'crimes' which are not recognised in UK law - such as criminal defamation.' Read more: EU to Subject Britons to Chilling New 'Big Brother' Surveillance and Investigation Powers Saturday, 17 July 2010 06:45 'More than 15 million Americans are unemployed, homelessness has increased by 50 percent in some cities, and 38 million people are receiving food stamps, more than at any time in the program’s almost 50-year history. Evidence of rising economic hardship is ample. There’s one commonly used standard for measuring it: the U.S. Census Bureau’s poverty rate. It guides much of federal and state spending aimed at helping those unable to make a decent living.' Read more: Collapse in Living Standards in America: More Poverty By Any MeasureWhat about obese social workers? There seems to be plenty of them. Take them into care, I say.
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Sunday, 18 July 2010
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Britannia Radio