President Obama on Tuesday called for the Senate to pass thePaycheck Fairness Act, calling it “a common sense bill.” Allan Dinkoff with the employment law practice at Weil, Gotshal & Manges has a problem with that description. Some parts may be common sense, Dinkoff says, such as expanding the anti-retaliation provisions, developing training for girls and women to improve their negotiating skills and studying the reasons for persistent pay disparities in the workplace. "But the core of the bill is anything but common sense,' says Dinkoff, who was in charge of employment law at Merrill Lynch and general counsel of GAF before joining Weil in 2009. "The bill risks altering in very fundamental ways how corporate America compensates its employees without any real justification for imposing that burden," he says. Here's Dinkoff's analysis: Under existing law, companies can respond to a new hire’s prior pay history or compensation demands. For example, Fair Pay Shipping Co. decides it wants to hire shipping managers and pay them $30,000. It offers employment to John and Sally. Sally accepts the $30,000, but John demands $33,000, which the company agrees to pay. Under the existing statute, probably no problem, because the law currently says that an employer is not liable if it paid John and Sally differently for “a reason other than sex.” The same would be true if Fair Pay Shipping Co. decided to pay each new hire $1,000 more than they made in their previous employment, and John made more than Sally in their previous jobs. The result would be very different under the Paycheck Fairness Act, which eliminates the “reason other than sex” defense and substitutes instead a requirement that the employer prove that its pay practices are divorced from any discrimination in its workplace or at the employee’s prior workplace, that the pay practice is job related, and that it is consistent with “business necessity.” So, now employers must have one pay for a job, not only at the entry level, but throughout the organization. For example, what if a year after Fair Pay Shipping Co. hires John and Sally, John comes in and asks for a raise, but Sally does not. Under the existing law, Fair Pay Shipping is probably OK giving John a raise and not Sally. Not so if the Paycheck Fairness Act passes. Therefore, companies will have far less flexibility in addressing different salary histories for new hires, different salary demands from existing employees, the size of pay raises for people promoted into new roles, and so on. The law would make these changes without real evidence that these steps will eliminate pay disparities between men and women or any thought on the impact of restricting a company’s ability to respond to the different needs and demands of its employees. Not so common sense.Paycheck Fairness Act Will Be Anything But