Monday, 19 July 2010
Pre-Emption & Slander
British Academics, NGOs and media specialize in reports claiming to describe Israeli military plans. The purpose of these reports is to paint Israel as aggressive and by publicizing the slander to preempt the slight chance that Israel might crush its declared enemies before it is hit. These people love dead Jews; not even thousands of rockets or flaming forests and Jewish towns are a “humanitarian crisis” to them. For them peace means expelling Jews from their homes and land. It is suave Nazism and intrinsic to the War Process of contrived attrition and control…
A recent bit of slander and preemption was put forth by the Oxford Research Group whose members, like those of other prominent NGOs may be entwined with the Royal Institute of International Affairs offspring of the Oxford-hatched Round Table. An ORG report claims that Israel has the capacity and the plans for a massive attack on Iran , not only its nuclear facilities but its cities. Curiously, ORG or similar groups have never shown much concern about Iran ’s plans to annihilate Israel or at least to keep the kettle boiling for BP and its friends (BP originally was “Anglo-Persian Oil”).[1] Nor do such peaceniks much criticize the repeated performances of Ahmadinejad at the UN building, his home away from home.
The ORG it partly funded by the Ford Foundation which supposedly has no intrinsic inheritance from Henry Ford’s influential book, The International Jew (1922) which can be read online. Ford was interested in clarifying “the Jewish Question” which for him meant a conspiracy not unlike that depicted in “Protocols of the Elders of Zion.” Do peruse Ford’s tome. Chapter 13, “the world’s foremost problem” describes Jews and his view that anti-Semitism was a Jewish propaganda weapon. His thesis broke against the holocaust whose organizer was an admirer of his. Ford said “history is bunk”: his book shows his ignorance of it.
Groups like ORG or the State Department need not worry about Israeli ‘aggression,’ an idée fixe of sophisticated people everywhere. The abyss separating Israel’s regime from Jewish law is demonstrated not only by collaborating with foreign powers in preventing Jews from settling the entire Promised Land but in ignoring the positive commandment to preempt and utterly destroy any foe gathered against or threatening it. Instead of Maimonides and mandatory war there is a continuance of the Mandatory administration. Events since the 1930s have shown that the British know how to rule through client regimes in Israel , pre and post-State.[2]
This topic is not new; neither is the client State’s servility or the contrived dialectic of its protracted Labor-Likud dance. Also worthy attention is the grandiose agenda of the “British-American Security Information Council” (BASIC) which is the threshold to the New World Order about which H.G. Wells wrote and Winston Churchill spoke with such fervent eloquence.[3] Here is a snippet from their sanctimonious web page, written from on high with arrogant panache British 'thought leaders' have honed to an art:
The transatlantic security community is understood to include the nations of North America and Europe, including Russia . Our target audience in Europe and North America includes policymakers and opinion shapers - government officials, journalists, academics and other individuals and institutions needing reliable information and analysis about transatlantic security and arms control issues. ...
[1] “Gaza Ship Withdraws, Prompts US Senators Demand to Probe BP’s Libyan links,” Debkafile 7-14-10
[2] See Samuel Katz, Days of Fire (NY 1969) and Israel Eldad, The First Tithe (1950; English translation 2008) for myriad examples. See Rambam, Hilchot Melachim, chapter 5 especially on mandatory war.
[3] Wells, The New World Order (1940; 2007 re-print); Churchill see his speech at Westminster College in Missouri, March 1946; BASIC includes Russia in North Atlantic security, as Churchill urged in what is mischaracterized as his ‘Iron Curtain” speech which was more about internationalization and coexistence.
Eugene Narrett earned his BA (Art History), MA, and PhD (Comparative Literature) at Columbia University in NYC. As of March 2008 he was the author of four books on Israeli history, Judaism & geopolitics and the roots and declines of Western civilization. He lectures often on these topics and on literature from the suburbs of Boston and NY to Jerusalem. He has authored more than a thousand columns, book & film reviews, and essays on culture and politics for numerous hard copy and electronic publications. He has been a frequent guest on Israel National Radio and other network and local stations. He has a site at
Dr. Narrett is an acclaimed Professor of Literature, teaching a wide range of courses at the College level for nearly three decades. Active in curriculum development, he created, directed and taught in the Humanities BA program at Cambridge College 2002-06. He welcomes invitations to lecture and teach. Recent Articles:
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