Wednesday, 7 July 2010

WND News for Bloggers


Author condemns 'racism' of Obama,
Holder in Justice Department Controversy

Negrophilia WASHINGTON—Our “post-racial” president is actually our “most-racist” president, says the author of a blistering new book on race politics called, “Negrophilia: From Slave Block to Pedestal – America’s Racial Obsession.”

Lady Justice may be blindfolded, says Erik Rush, but the Department of Justice is operating with eyes wide open in its repeated refusals to prosecute crimes where the defendant is black and the victim in white, as a former Justice Department whistleblower recently testified.

“As reflected by the actions of the Obama-Holder Justice Department in the New Black Panther Party case, it is now clear that this is a racist president and a racist administration,” says Rush. “We are bearing witness to an instance of racism and racial double standard on the part of this president and his administration that surpasses the surreal.”

Rush refers to J. Christian Adams’ recent testimony to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights alleging the department’s repeated “hostility” to cases with black defendants and white victims.

Adams cited the Election Day, 2008, case involving members of the New Black Panther Party who were videotaped guarding the entrance of a Philadelphia polling place clad in black fatigues and wielding a nightstick. The Obama administration at first followed up on the Bush administration's initial prosecution of the case but dismissed it in May 2009 - a month after three members of the Panthers failed to appear in court.

To interview Erik Rush
or to receive review copies of 'Negrophilia,'
please contact Tim Bueler at (530) 401-3285 (530) 401-3285
or email

“To progressives and the establishment press, the contention that our president and this administration are racists is practically incomprehensible – but this is precisely the case,” says Rush. “This atrocity is abject racism. President Obama’s overt anti-white, anti-Christian, and anti-Semitic sentiments have been painfully evident to some observers, and suspected by others for some time.”

Rush sparked a national furor when he exposed the anti-American ravings of President Obama's longtime minister and then "spiritual adviser," the Rev. Jeremiah Wright. With "Negrophilia," published by WND Books, charting in the top 5 of Amazon categories on African-American Studies and Discrimination & Racism, Rush has adopted a Glenn-Beck-style blackboard approach toward revealing the intents and tactics of the "professional race-baiters who seek to manipulate, intimidate and subjugate Americans of every color - even and especially from the highest offices in the land."

Race-baiters’ unseen tool is negrophilia, says Rush, "an undue and inordinate affinity for blacks," combined with the "reflexive demonization of whites as inherently wicked." It’s rooted in leftist tactics of division and aimed at advancing policies that keep blacks "obedient," whites "silent" and "political control” secure.

Negrophilia is colorblind, says Rush, and is taking center stage in the boiling debate over amnesty vs. law enforcement regarding the violations of illegal immigrants.

“For months,” Rush says, “Americans have been treated to wanton accusations of racism in the public square regarding our wish to secure our border with Mexico, and misgivings vis-à-vis the Obama administration’s handling of the Islamic terrorist threat. We have also seen similar gratuitous and slanderous accusations leveled against those who criticize this president on any level.

"What could be more racist," he adds, "than an administration that orders attorneys in the civil rights division to ignore cases involving black defendants and white victims?"

To interview Erik Rush
or to receive review copies of 'Negrophilia,'
please contact Tim Bueler at (530) 401-3285 (530) 401-3285
or email

About the Author

Born in New York City in 1961, from 1975 to 1985 columnist and author Erik Rush was a club, stage and studio musician. He's also been involved in biomedical research, sales, marketing and media production.

Erik Rush
Rush was the first to break the story of President (then Senator) Barack Obama's ties to militant Chicago preacher Rev. Jeremiah Wright on a national level in February of 2007.

He writes columns of sociopolitical fare for WorldNetDaily as well as dozens of nationally distributed print and online news sources. He's appeared on Fox News, CNN, and is a veteran of a copious number of radio appearances and speaking engagements.

Rush's other titles include:

  • The Angels Fell
  • It's the Devil, Stupid! Our Real Enemy and Why We Don't Talk About Him
  • Annexing Mexico: Solving the Border Problem Through Annexation and Assimilation - which won the 2007 New York Book Festival "Best Nonfiction" category.