1. Patients' Evidence Required For GMC Vs. Dr Sarah Myhill Defence
Dr Sarah Myhill, MD
The Support Dr Myhill team are now in the process of producing a document of Patient Experiences to be used as evidence. This document will contain both success stories of Dr Myhill's treatments, drawn from the many hundreds of letters sent to the General Medical Council in Dr Myhill's defence, and also, more sadly, the post IOP Hearing experiences of those of Dr Myhill's patients whose health has been, quite often, severely affected as a result of the restrictions imposed by the GMC. The GMC Interim Orders Panel has stated that Dr Myhill is not allowed to prescribe medication to her patients. It is unfortunately the case that patients have been unable to obtain the required medication from other doctors and have suffered as a result. Has this happened to you? If so, please contact Craig H. Robinson at
Support Dr Sarah Myhill Team
Related Links:
* Information Commissioner Appoints Case Officer To Investigate GMC Handling Of Dr Sarah Myhill Case
Craig Robinson, Support Dr Sarah Myhill Campaign
* Supporting Dr Sarah Myhill - New Website Launched
Information Release, The One Click Group
* Dr Sarah Myhill Appoints Saunders Law Partnership LLP
Information Release, Support Dr Sarah Myhill Campaign
2. Woman Infected From Partner's Smallpox Vaccine
A woman in her 20s from Washington State was infected with the vaccinia virus used in smallpox vaccines earlier this year after sexual contact with her boyfriend, a member of the military who had been vaccinated five days earlier. The man had removed a bandage covering his vaccination site earlier that day. It is one of five known cases in the past 12 months of women from four states who got vaccinia through sexual contact with a member of the military.
Roni Caryn Rabin, The New York Times
3. Additional Questions About The H1N1 Scandal
On 28 April, 2009, when I was asked by the French international news channel to participate in a debate on the then hot topic of “pandemic” flu, my first answer was to refuse due to my lack of relevant skill in virology or infectious diseases (not to speak of a reluctance to improvise live in English…) Having finally accepted the invitation on the basis that we would be discussing the matter from the perspective of vaccine development, I did not consider myself to be displaying any extraordinary expertise in pointing out the following matters straightaway : 1. There have been “previous instances” of false alarms, such as avian flu (1’32); 2. “this precedent of avian flu casts important doubts on the credibility of health agencies, national or international” (5’45); 3. “the real question is: who may have an interest in spreading alarming news?” (6’00); 4. viral mutation has been a regular occurrence in the history of flu without triggering such media alarm: what has changed is simply the availability of vaccine and antiviral drugs, the efficacy and safety of which remain to be documented (9’50).
Dr Marc Girard, Consultant, British Medical Journal
4. Introducing pentavalent vaccine in the EPI in India: A counsel for caution
The story of how pharmaceutical companies influenced scientists and official agencies like the World Health Organization (WHO) in the recent swine flu scare1 and the saga of the undeclared conflicts of interests of members of the WHO’s Strategic Advisory Group of Experts2 has set off alarm bells around the world. When trusted advisors are less than honest, the potential for harm is great, and the feeling of betrayal is poignant. A similar feeling of sadness and betrayal was evoked by the report of National Technical Advisory Group on Immunization (NTAGI) sub-committee on Haemophilus influenzae B (Hib) published recently3. On December 14, 2009, the Health Secretary chaired a meeting to discuss the policy framework for vaccine preventable disease in the country. The study showed that the incidence of all-cause pneumonia was 30 per 1000 children under-five, and mortality was 0.3 per 1000 children under-five. Thus mortality is 50 times lower than 14 per 1000 projected by the UNICEF for India4. It was additionally pointed out that even if mortality was assumed to be as high as 10 per cent (instead of 0.7% observed in the study), there would be 3 deaths per 1000 children under-five. This study data undercut one of the main points in the sales pitch for introducing 2 vaccines - the pneumococal conjugate vaccine and the Hib vaccine in India.
Zubair Lone & Jacob M. Puliyel, Indian J Med Res 132, July 2010, pp 1-3
5. Mother Loses Appeal Against Social Workers' Draconian Powers
The "draconian powers" of social workers to order a child to be taken from a mother who turns out to be innocent is a cost to be paid to protect the vulnerable, appeal judges said today. They were ruling on a case involving a mother who sued the police and local authority after her child was removed from her because of fears which proved to be groundless. She was 22 when her child was born in October 2008 and they both went to hospital two months later after she reported the baby boy had stopped breathing. Medical staff at Eastbourne General Hospital thought the child, identified as B in court, was fit to be released after two days but were concerned that the mother, A, had reported two other incidents of the baby stopping breathing. No-one else had seen the incidents and a consultant feared it could be an example of the mother fabricating an illness - once known as Munchausen Syndrome. B stayed in the hospital for another five days and then was taken into foster care after the mother said she wanted to take the boy home. Mr Justice Hedley, giving a ruling after the mother appealed against a judgment dismissing her claims against East Sussex County Council (ESCC) and Sussex Police, said: "It is wholly unsurprising in those circumstances that the appellant should feel aggrieved at having been under suspicion of factitious illness, at having her child removed from her. In my judgment ESCC were entitled to conclude the exercise of statutory powers was necessary to protect B."
Stephen Howard, Press Association, The Independent
6. UK Coalition Government Whipping Up Hatred Against Disabled
In this newsletter we look at the shock coalition government plans to slash the number of people receiving disability living allowance (DLA) by 20%. A new, points-based system modelled on the notorious work capability assessment process for employment and support allowance is to be introduced for DLA, along with new qualifying criteria. A treasury document has confirmed that all existing DLA claimants of working age to will be required to undergo a medical using the new system between 2013 and 2016, leading to savings of over a billion pounds a year by reducing DLA claimant numbers. The three year lead in time means there’s still the opportunity to fight these proposals, but there’s certainly no time to lose. We’re also deeply dismayed by the hate-provoking DWP press release that accompanied the emergency budget. The statement claimed that DLA was open to abuse and cited the rise in the number of people receiving DLA as evide nce of this, without offering a shred of proof that it is fraud rather than, for example, wider awareness of DLA that is the reason for this rise. In fact, the DWP’s own statistics put fraud in relation to DLA at a tiny 0.6% last year. We fear that the coalition is embarking on a campaign of whipping up hatred of DLA claimants similar to the one waged against incapacity benefit claimants in recent years.
Steve Donnison, Benefits & Work
7. WPI Statement Regarding Centers for Disease Control XMRV Study
Contrary to the WPI study published in Science in October, 2009, as well as studies done by others, including the NIH and FDA, Mr. William Switzer of the Centers for Disease Control reported that his research team was unable to detect XMRV in CFS patient samples. This negative finding is in contrast to the WPI study in which we detected XMRV in 67% of CFS patient samples. To correctly replicate scientific studies it is imperative that researchers use the same methods and patient criteria to ensure accurate results. The methodology used by the CDC was not the same as that used in the WPI study nor was the patient selection criteria. In September 2009, WPI sent the CDC twenty confirmed positive samples and the appropriate methodology to help them develop a clinically validated test. However, this team chose not to do this. Until researchers use clinically validated tests to detect XMRV in patient samples, as WPI and their collaborators have successfully don e, an accurate association of XMRV to any diseased population cannot be made. For this reason, WPI researchers and many others are currently validating more sensitive clinical assays to assist federal agencies in their search for the true prevalence of XMRV in the human population.
Statement, Whittemore Peterson Institute
Related Links:
* CDC XMRV Virus/CFS Paper Is Out. Where's The FDA/NIH Paper?
Amy Dockser Marcus, The Wall Street Journal Blog
* FDA And NIH Confirm XMRV Findings In ME/CFS Patients
Esme, Press Release from the Netherlands
* Detection of an Infectious Retrovirus, XMRV, in Blood Cells of Patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Judy A. Mikovits et al, 10.1126/science.1179052, Science Express
8. Dr Esther Crawley, ME/CFS Children & The Lightning Process
The Lightning Process, ME/CFS & Dr Esther Crawley
(Caption & Pic Courtesy Of One Click)
The Advertising Standards Authority (UK) adjudication on Withinspiration (Lightning Process) ruled that the Withinspiration Lightning Process did not hold robust evidence to support their claims that the lightning process was an effective treatment for CFS or ME. The Lightning Process instructor/trainer/coach, Alastair Gibson, had already identified himself, on his 'Withinspiration' website, as "one of the two practitioners working with the NHS" in connection with the Dr Esther Crawley led pilot study. On 29 March, it was announced: "A new pilot study involving the Lightning Process and the NHS has been awarded £164,000 for research into the treatment of CFS/ME in children and adolescents. Alastair Gibson is one of the two practitioners working with the NHS and the young people in this exciting research study." On 16 May, I submitted a comprehensive FOI request for information to the University of Bristol in connection with the LP pilot, and I received a response on 17 June. I will update on responses, shortly. This Esther Crawley/Lightning Process pilot does not yet have research ethics approval.
Suzy Chapman, Health Advocate
Related Links:
* ME/CFS Patients Damaged By Lightning Process Fight Back
John Sayer