1. GMC Promotes Child Abductor Conspirator
Ms. Mellor, unrepresentative and uninformed
I have been and continue to be opposed to the views of the small number of paediatricians in Britain who support and promote the hypothesis, conjecture and speculatory assumptions of Fabricated and Induced Illness as a form of child abuse (MSBP), as such a conjecture has no foundation in scientifically conducted research and has been dismissed by high courts as having neither validity nor utility in child protection proceedings and remains a matter of continuing dispute in the medical and child protection professional communities. Whilst such a professional dispute continues, the UK Courts have been advised by Court Rulings to exercise extreme caution in accepting such evidence of alleged FII and to consider only factually-based evidence. I also find it beyond comprehension and unconscionable that Ms. Penelope Mellor could have been appointed to the GMC Expert Panel on Child Protection as from my experience in this area of child protection practice, I co nsider that Ms. Mellor does not represent any body of informed knowledge in the matter and nor does she represent any significant group of persons involved in the matters relating to FII. I can think of many others who are articulate parents and are far better informed on the issue than Ms. Mellor and who, unlike Ms. Mellor, have had direct experience of false accusations of FII and have suffered severe harm and damage to their lives as a consequence and have first hand knowledge and experience of the inappropriateness of child protection interferences in family life. I can only suggest that the inclusion of Ms Mellor in this group will completely undermine any credibility, authority, and authenticity any reports it may produce for either the relevant medical and child protection communities or in the various groups of parents who have experienced the malignancy of child protection interventions based on FII/MSBP.
Charles Pragnell Dip.S.W. , L.R.C.C,
Child and Family Advocate in Child Protection and Family Law matters
Related Links:
Child abduction conspirator hired to advise doctors
Nina Lakhani, The Independent
2. An Almighty GMC F***k Up
Niall Dickson, General Medical Council Chief Executive
(Caption & Pic Courtesy of One Click)
When Niall Dickson popped into GMC Towers, we thought that he would be a little better than arch Great White, Finlay Scott. Sadly, Fin may just have been better at this job. We hate to admit it. Dickson made the spectacular nuclear bomb of a decision. He allowed a child abductor conspirator (Ms. Penny Mellor) to sit on the Working Party advising on Child Protection. PACA are having a great big whine, crying in the BMJ and all kinds of other places. While asking the world to help them, a civil injunction costing a minimal amount in the courts would sort their problem out. Sadly, they prefer to whine making the GMC just as bad as all of them. The GMC is now in meltdown. This is possibly the case because the BMJ provides the abductor vast amounts of publicity but repeatedly fails to declare her criminal conviction. So will Fiona Godlee tell us why that is? In the meantime, does anyone want to fire Niall?
Revalidating The General Medical Council
3. Polio Vaccine Causes Paralysis
The “biggest bump in the road,” Dr. John F. Modlin, a polio expert at Dartmouth Medical School wrote in a recent article in The New England Journal of Medicine, has been the recent emergence of polio cases caused by live vaccine viruses that mutated until they, too, were dangerous enough to cause paralysis. The problem was first discovered in the Dominican Republic and Haiti a decade ago; that outbreak was quelled. But since last year, it has happened in Nigeria, Congo, Somalia, India and Ethiopia. The idea of vaccine leading to disease could scare people away from being vaccinated.
Donald G. McNeil Jr., The New York Times
Related Links:
* Polio Vaccine Proven To Cause Spreading Polio Epidemics - Many Children Paralysed
Maria Cheng, Associated Press
4. Vaccine Protestors Beaten, Bones Broken
Yet another depressing moment in the saga of the families who came to Beijing looking for compensation from the Ministry of Health after their children where harmed by tainted vaccines. When the nine parents of tainted vaccine victims were outside the Ministry of Health appealing for an audience with higher-ups on the morning of the 19th, they were beaten quite severely by a group of people wearing the uniforms of the Public Security Bureau. Of the nine, four suffered serious injury, and Yang Yukui of Liaoning province suffered six fractured ribs on his right side and a fractured little finger on his right hand. The parents were chained together to prevent being dragged off separately, which made it impossible for them to flee their attackers. After being beaten, the group was locked away and at present has not been allowed to seek medical treatment.
China Digital Times
Related Links:
* Parents Of Vaccine Damaged Children Arrested
Li Shuang, Global Times
* Editor In China Sacked For Exposing Vaccine Deaths
One India
* China: Wave Of Anger Rises Over Vaccine Scandal
Mitch Morley, IPS
5. Trovan Vaccine Case - New Victims Sue Pfizer for U.S.$384 Billion
Abuja — Victims of the 1996 Pfizer meningitis trovan vaccine test which caused over 200 deaths and several others permanent disability have again sued the drugs manufacturing giant for a whopping sum of $384 billion (N8384 billion.) The victims, numbering 192, who have just surfaced, are claiming the colossal sum as damages from Pfizer Incorporated and Pfizer Specialities for the injuries they were made to suffer by the negative effect of the untested vaccines administered on them. Joined as defendants in the suit filed by Chief Etigwe Uwa (SAN) on behalf of the plaintiffs are the Health Care/ Meningitis Trust Fund, Kano State government, Pfizer Incorporated, Pfizer Specialties Ltd, David Odiwo, the Attorney General of the Federation (AGF) and Corporate Affairs Commission. The 192 plaintiffs are challenging the proposal by the defendants to conduct a DNA test to determine the real victims of the trovan vaccine in view of the unprecedented increase i n number of those claiming to be victims. The plaintiffs hinged their opposition to DNA testing to the fact that their spinal fluid drained from them 14 years ago by the drug company could be trusted any longer in view of the antecedents of the company, especially as the American court judgement in the criminal aspect of the case had confirmed recently.
Ahuruka Yusuf Isah, All Africa
Related Links:
* Nigerians Can Proceed To US Supreme Court With Pfizer Lawsuits
Ed Silverman, Pharmalot
* Dead Nigerian Children Vaccines Case Moves To USA Courts
Vera Hassner Sharav, AHRP
6. Antibodies Induced By HIV Vaccines Give False-Positive HIV Test Results
Trials of vaccines designed to prevent HIV infection might induce antibodies that will cause false-positive results on routine antibody tests for HIV infection. Although the goal of much vaccine development is to induce the production of protective antibodies, they might also cause a state of vaccine-induced seropositivity/reactivity (VISP), which can confound the interpretation of HIV tests in the absence of HIV infection. Dr. Baden concluded that VISP is a common but highly variable outcome in people who participate in vaccine trials. VISP might have important ramifications, Dr. Baden said. "Participants may be at risk for misdiagnosis, and if that occurs, then many social harms occur . . . related to insurance, military service, blood tissue donation, immigration, and a variety of other issues that may arise."
Daniel M. Keller, Medscape Today
Related Links:
* Merck AIDS Vaccine Causes AIDS In Trial Volunteers
Craig Timberg, Washington Post
7. The Influence of Vaccine-Critical Websites On Perception Of Vaccination Risks
Our analyses reveal that viewing typical vaccine-critical websites for only five to ten minutes increases the perception of risk regarding vaccinations and decreases the perception of risk regarding the omission of vaccinations as compared to visiting a control site. Moreover, acquiring information about vaccinations on a vaccine-critical website significantly decreased the intentions to vaccinate. Full Text of this paper published on One Click.
Cornelia Betsch, Frank Renkewitz, Tilmann Betsch, Corina Ulshöfer
University of Erfurt, Germany
8. Barrister Warns Vioxx Compensation Cases Are Urgent
The Federal Court should expedite the cases of hundreds of Australians who had heart attacks after taking the anti-arthritis drug Vioxx so they do not die before receiving compensation, a barrister has argued. Julian Burnside, QC, made the plea at a directions hearing in Melbourne yesterday after a judge this year found Vioxx doubled the risk of heart attack and the Australian subsidiary of Merck, one of the world's largest pharmaceutical companies, had breached the Trade Practices Act by selling it. In his ruling in the landmark class action in March, Justice Christopher Jessup awarded $287,000 to lead claimant Graeme Peterson, 59, who had a heart attack in 2003 after taking Vioxx. The ruling established a basis for claims from every Australian who had a heart attack after taking Vioxx between 1999 and 2004.
Katie Hagan, The Sydney Morning Herald
9. Another Nail In GlaxoSmithKline's Avandia Coffin
The FDA announced that the postmarketing trial of Avandia, known as TIDE, has been placed on "partial clinical hold." No new patients may be enrolled in the trial. The suspension follows the suspension of the TIDE trial in India, July 14, at the request of the Indian government which was concerned about the drug's safety following revelations reported by The New York Times, documenting how GlaxoSmithKline concealed drug-induced heart attacks and falsely claimed the drug's safety. GSK's record of deceptive, illegal drug marketing tactics are a matter of public record. Those tactics and its defective drugs--including Paxil and Avandia--resulted in the deaths of thousands of people--even maiming infants in the womb. What is more disturbing is that a combined FDA advisory panel of medical "experts" (33 in all) did not reject GSK's argument, and did not object to the TIDE trial going forth. The failure, by a supposedly objective group of academic medical doctors and scientists, to suspend an immoral trial which was designed in the knowledge that patients would be put at risk of cardiac arrest for marketing purposes, speaks volumes about the state of American medicine.
Vera Hassner Sharav, AHRP
10. GlaxoSmithKline To Pay $1B To Settle Paxil Birth Defect Cases
In an effort to get its arms around massive litigation, GlaxoSmithKline has agreed to settle yet another wad of product-liability lawsuits involving one of its popular meds. The latest deal involves an agreement to pay more than $1 billion to settle some 800 cases alleging its Paxil antidepressant caused birth defects in children born to women who took the drug. The move comes after a Pennsylvania state court jury last October awarded a woman $2.5 million in damages for failing to properly warn docs and pregnant women about the risks of the antidepressant. This case was filed by the family of a three-year-old boy who was born with heart defects his mother blamed on the drug. It was the first of 600 such lawsuits and was seen as a test of Glaxo’s vulnerability. Last week, Glaxo disclosed plans to take a $2.4 billion charge in its second quarter to settle product-liability lawsuits over its Avandia diabetes pill, litigation involving the Paxil antidep ressant and a US government investigation into its manufacturing site at Cidra, Puerto Rico. The Paxil deal, which would provide an average payout of more than $1.2 million to families of the affected children, leaves more than 100 similar cases pending. The birth-defect settlements bring to more than $2 billion the amount Glaxo has agreed to pay to resolve a variety of Paxil-related suits, including claims the pill caused suicides or attempted suicides and addiction problems.
Ed Silverman, Pharmalot
11. Digital Economy Act To Create Pirate ISPs In UK
British anti-copyright group, Pirate Party UK, has predicted that “Pirate ISPs” will spring up across the country - promoting online privacy and allowing users to share files anonymously online - in response to proposals for implementing the Digital Economy Act. Ofcom’s proposed ‘Three Strikes’ rule has met with furious criticism from some members of the industry – including BT and TalkTalk, who have called for a judicial review by the High Court. According to Pirate Party UK, this makes ISPs in Britain the “natural allies” of the party. One clause of the Digital Economy Act exempts small ISPs with less than 400,000 users from the rules. According to Pirate Party UK, this automatically makes them more pirate friendly than large ISPs, and provides an opportunity for Pirate ISPs to be set up, which also avoid the heavy financial cost of implemting the Ofcom rules. Today it was reported that the Pirate Pa rty in Sweden (PiratPartiet) has announced plans to launch the world’s first “Pirate ISP”. The move is in response to the increasing use of online surveillance in the country, in what PiratPartiet describes as the “big brother society”.
Sophie Curtis, eWeek Europe
Related Links:
* Judicial Review Of Digital Economy Act Sought
BBC News
* Early Day Motion To Repeal Digital Economy Act Failing Electorate
John Hunt, thinkbroadband
* Journalists' Union To Support Court Challenges Against Digital Economy Act
Judith Townend,
* Digital Economy Bill Threatens One Click
Jane Bryant, The One Click Group
12. Lightning Process Study On ME/CFS Children And CBT/GAT
Recent attention has been drawn to the question of ethics in attempting a Lightning Process (LP) pilot study on children and juveniles suffering from ME. It is right to question such. The very nature and history of this pseudo-treatment approach should dictate against even entertaining the thought, yet alone dabbling in its dangerous claims. Most seriously and least obviously, both the LP and CBT/GAT approaches irresponsibly reject, ignore, are indifferent to, or deny the existence of (already) serious ongoing molecular and organic damage that will be exacerbated over time by inappropriate, incremented, upward gradations of kinetic load, in the name and claim of 'improvement.' The compounding of this molecular damage could have mortal consequences for many ME patients, at least over the long-term and wherein, temporally, this therapy is exactly designed to operate. The question of ethics, of placing ME children in the direct oncoming hit-path of a Lightni ng Process treatment and assessment - in a 'test to destruction' fashion - potentially a consequence in the short or long term - is therefore as unethical as doing so in its other latest crack-pot analogue recently announced here in the Principality as 'a new campaign'; for yet another, this time specifically child and juvenile, CBT/GAT Service for Wales.
Karl Krysko. BA (hons), BSc.
Related Links:
* Lightning Process Pilot Study, ME/CFS Children 8 To 18
Suzy Chapman, BMJ / The One Click Group
* Unethical Lightning Process And ME/CFS Children
ME Agenda
* Dr Esther Crawley, ME/CFS Children & The Lightning Process
Suzy Chapman, Health Advocate
* ME/CFS Patients Damaged By Lightning Process Fight Back
John Sayer
13. ‘Risk’ Filled IB To ESA Transfer May Affect DLA, Leaked DWP Letter Reveals
Our mole at the DWP has sent us a copy of a letter which reveals that some DLA claims may be affected by the migration of incapacity benefit claimants to employment and support allowance which begins in earnest next year. The letter also demonstrates that the pilot beginning in October of this year is little more than a sham, which will give no indication of whether the DWP and Atos can cope with the massive increase in workload. As concerns about the planned changes to DLA grow, we’re urging you to get involved in the CarerWatch campaign. Without massive support from disability organisations, opposition to the cuts have little hope of success. CarerWatch have begun collecting statements about their intentions from disability organisations and publishing them on their website, where you can read the statements and comment on them. If you have connections with a disability group, please ask them to publish a statement on the C arerWatch site. Carer Watch would welcome help with their DLA and ESA campaigns.
Steve Donnison, Benefits & Work
Thursday, 22 July 2010
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