Richard Black's relentless search to attribute every event in the universe to climate change continues unabated. Today, he's reported the lunatic findings by the British Dragonfly Society (no less) that the rather charming and beautiful dainty damselfly - a relative of the dragonfly - has returned, after an absence of almost 60 years, to a habitat in England, in Kent. The reason, Mr Black predictably reports, is global warming; Britain is getting alarmingly warmer, and the creatures have therefore been able to hop across the English channel. He adds that other cousins of the damselfly - also encouraged by "climate change" - are ready to join the Sangatte-style insect throng.
>> SUNDAY, JULY 25, 2010
Even by his own standards of ecofreakery and flawed science, though, this story is full of holes. First, because he tells us that this same dainty damselfly used to be found in Essex, but its habitat was washed away in 1952 in the disastrous east-coast floods. Prior to that, it presumably existed in the UK for centuries. But,er, Richard, it was a lot, lot colder in the past (according to you and your warmist fanatic chums who worship the hockey stick) and our insect friend was already here, so why is its return the result of warming? Second, I thought one of Richard's main concerns (a topic he returns to time and time again) was the worship word "biodiversity". Surely, Mr Black (on your own logic), if warming is triggering the return of more species to Britain that's a good thing?
Personally, I'd put the whole thing down to the ebb and flow of nature. But then, I'm not a BBC environment correspondent with a major political agenda.DRONE DRONE DRONE..
Sunday Morning Live replaces the awful Big Question. Hosted by the lovely pouting Susanna Reid, it kicked off this morning with the usual BBC mantra -time to get out of Afghanistan. In fact the line being debated was "Are our soldiers dying in vain". The BBC is keen to use the loss of soldiers lives over there to whip up support for their militant pacifism and evidently care little for the impact these discussions have on the next of kin. It is an article of faith in the godless BBC that the British Army should never go to war and so it uses every opportunity to press it home. For good measure they had a guy on from the Muslim Public Affairs Committee to give his sage advice which involved cutting deals with the Taliban.
Next up for debate - should we be allowed to help kill our relatives? BBC not keen on the war on terror but very keen on advocating euthanasia. Then, Erin Prizzie to express her sympathy with child killer and child porn devotee Jon Venables.
Monday, 26 July 2010
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Britannia Radio