Saturday, July 03, 2010
'Moderate' Mullah Says US Will Fail to 'Bully' Iran
A former Iranian president and so-called moderate, hailed in the media for supposedly supporting the opposition, has spoken out against the United States. Click here for the story.
Moderate Islamism is an oxymoron, like moderate Nazism.
There is no diplomatic solution to the problem of Islamist Iran. The monstrous, missile-mad, nuclear-arming mullahocracy must go. The regime must be ended before it ends Israel--and the U.S. Iran can't be contained; neither can it be appeased.
Instead of preserving the peace, appeasement--the foundation of the Obama administration's utterly failed foreign policy--has made war with Iran inevitable. Will the conflict be fought on Iranian terms?
Sunday, 4 July 2010
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Britannia Radio