Poor dying nine years earlier than rich in Coventry Labour must renew the covenant of trust that Keir Hardie forged We can t move £2,000 a week benefits family until the rules change Tests on foreign nurses scrapped: EU order means Britain must open NHS jobs to thousands from Eastern Europe Interpreter let illegal immigrant take his place IMMIGRATION REMOVAL CENTRE SLAMMED OBSCENE HOUSING BENEFIT STILL AN AFFRONT TO SOCIETY ASYLUM SEEKERS LIVING IN £2M 5-BEDROOM MANSION Council should kick asylum-seeker out of £2m house, say neighbours | Mail Online A field day for the right-wing press Somali asylum seeker family given £2m house... after complaining 5-bed London home was 'in poor area' Former asylum-seekers given housing benefit for £8,000-a-month Kensington home Turkey goes cool on joining the European Union as it falls for the lure of the East GAY ASYLUM RULING IS SUPREME STUPIDITY Leading article: Hard times for the young Terror Visa Fear Schools will be forced to share facilities as pupil numbers soar MIGRANT CRACKDOWN ILLEGAL' Court quashes visa rules barring basic-English speakers from language coursesA selection of recent media reports
POOR men in Coventry are dying nearly a decade younger than wealthier males in more affluent parts of the city. The gulf in life expectancy between the rich and poor is bigger in Coventry than anywhere else in the West Midlands, new figures...
Coventry Telegraph.net (12-Jul-2010)
We lost on trust, identity and the capacity to inspire reasonable hope among our people. To win, we need to get that...
Guardian.co.uk (12-Jul-2010)
A family of former asylum seekers getting £2,000 a week in housing benefit to live in a £2.1 million Kensington property will be allowed to stay, the Government said...
Evening Standard (12-Jul-2010)
Thousands of foreign nurses will be allowed to work in Britain without any safety checks because EU rules demand that the tests are axed.
Daily Mail (12-Jul-2010)
A registered interpreter from Bradford has received a suspended jail term after he committed a "serious breach of trust" in allowing an illegal immigrant to translate tapes seized in a counter-terror...
Rye & Battle Observer (12-Jul-2010)
A year-old immigration removal centre has been slammed by inspectors as "fundamentally unsafe" with "serious" problems, including bullying, violence and drugs, according to a...
Daily Star (12-Jul-2010)
REMEMBER that well-known phrase beggars cant be choosers or another one, cut your coat according to your cloth? These nuggets of wisdom recommending that we accept the necessity of living within our means sound oddly out of keeping with the times just...
Scottish Daily Express (12-Jul-2010)
A FAMILY of asylum seekers is living in a £2million mansion costing taxpayers a whopping £8,000 a...
Daily Star (12-Jul-2010)
Neighbours of a jobless family put up in a £2.1million townhouse courtesy of the taxpayer last night called for them to be evicted. They said it was a 'disgrace' that former bus conductor Abdi Nur, his wife and seven children could claim £2,000 a week in housing benefit to live in one of London's more...
The Mail On Sunday (12-Jul-2010)
People and Power Race and Identity Sex and Gender asylum Daily Express daily mail Daily Star democratic reform homophobia LGBT media power migration watch xenophobia Blog A field day for the right-wing press As the old joke goes, the way to confuse Daily Mail readers is to tell them that asylum...
Ekklesia (11-Jul-2010)
A family of former asylum-seekers from Somalia are living in a £2.1million luxury townhouse in one of Britain's most exclusive addresses at a cost to taxpayers of £8,000 a month.
Daily Mail (11-Jul-2010)
Taxpayers are footing the £8,000-a-month bill for a family of former asylum-seekers from Somalia to live in a £2.1million luxury...
Telegraph.co.uk (11-Jul-2010)
As Europe's top diplomat prepares to travel to Turkey, Colin Freeman finds a country not entirely convinced about their need to join the...
Telegraph.co.uk (11-Jul-2010)
YOU know that hideous sign you often see at butchers, dreary offices and anywhere blighted by the David Brent style of wacky manage ment culture: You Don t Have To Be Mad To Work Here But It Helps! It s time to rearrange it for anyone seeking to come to this country to: You Don t Have To Be Gay To Settle...
Daily Express (11-Jul-2010)
This newspaper is 20 years old, the same age as many of the young people who are going into the labour market at the most difficult time in those two...
The Independent (11-Jul-2010)
BRITAIN could face a flood of bogus foreign students after the High Court yesterday tore up rules to keep them out.
The Sun (10-Jul-2010)
A radical campus-style solution to the growing crisis in school accommodation has been recommended in a confidential report. It says that primary school pupil numbers will rocket by 64,000 to almost 570,000 by the year...
Irish Independent (10-Jul-2010)
GOVERNMENT immigration plans were in tatters last night after a judge blocked a bid to crack down on bogus...
Daily Star (10-Jul-2010)
Tougher rules on English-language requirements for foreign students that it was claimed would cost universities £1 billion a year have been quashed by the High...
Times Higher Education (10-Jul-2010)
Tuesday, 13 July 2010
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Britannia Radio