Marriages row vicar denies manipulation Landlords are hidden housing benefit victims Immigrants 'Should Get Half Minimum Wage' Minister presents rule changes for the interim migration limit to parliament Anti-Muslim Dutch lawmaker to spread movement to UK,other Western nations MPs given power of veto over Office of Budget Responsibility chairman Geert Wilders to spread anti-Muslim movement to UKA selection of recent media reports
An East Sussex vicar accused of conducting hundreds of sham marriages to help illegal immigrants gain residency in the UK..
The Scotsman (16-Jul-2010)
Some buy-to-let landlords who opt to rent to housing benefit tenants have been onto an investment winner, new rules are...
This is Money (16-Jul-2010)
A bitter row has broken out in Denmark after a politician suggested the country's immigrants should be paid only half the..
LBC (16-Jul-2010)
Earlier today Damian Green, minister for immigration laid before Parliament changes to the Immigration Rules.
M2 (16-Jul-2010)
A controversial anti-Muslim Dutch MP has said that he will be forming an international alliance to spread his message to Britain and across the West in a bid to ban immigration from Islamic...
Irish Sun (16-Jul-2010)
George Osborne is taking unprecedented measures to preserve the independence of the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR). (16-Jul-2010)
Geert Wilders, the controversial anti-Muslim Dutch MP, has said he is forming an international alliance to spread his... (16-Jul-2010)
Sunday, 18 July 2010
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Britannia Radio