Sunday, 18 July 2010

Should Political Conversations Remain Private? - Observer
Labour Glosses Over the Gordon Debacle – Andrew Rawnsley
Ashcroft Buys 23% of Dods From New Statesman OwnerBloomberg
Boris: I’ll Take DNA Test
– Mail
Tory MP Refuses to Meet Burqa Clad Women – Mail
Hair & Height Will Determine Labour Leader
– Max Atkinson
Bonking Boris Beats Westminster Hippies
Evening Standard
What’s Really Going on Behind Murdoch’s Paywall? – Michael Wolff
Peter’s Poison Pen Exposes Brown’s Moral Bankruptcy
– Jeff Randall
Crime Down? – Douglas Carswell
Zac’s Election Expenses Questioned
– C4 News

Andrew Rawnsley writes

‘We were disparaged as peddlers of “tittle-tattle”.

This accusation was sometimes even levelled by other journalists,

usually the sort of commentator who adopts pomposity as a cover

for his own inability ever to break significant stories.’