Tuesday, 13 July 2010

So, lets get to the point. Here are the videos and exclusive
interviews we recorded for you last week... Plus a Gubernatorial
Debate we broadcast that the Controlled Media skipped out on!
Please share these videos that is how we spread the word!

REALITY REPORT #52 - Supreme Federal Tyranny For Arizona
>> Here's the link: http://realityreport.blip.tv/file/3853465
Tom Woods on the Economic Meltdown
Clint Richardson: The 2010 Axiom Conference
Tom Woods: How to Resist Federal Tyranny
Patrick Wood Report - Trilateral Commission, Afghanistan, and Kissinger
Bush: Biometric Immigration ID Card
Operation Vigilant Guard 2010: Chicago Terror Drills
Illinois Gubernatorial Debate at Chicago State 7/8/2010
REALITY REPORT #51 - Flushing the G20
>> Here's the link: http://realityreport.blip.tv/file/3820319/
>> Youtube alternative: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRYJOM2s73E

[POP QUIZ] Sharpen your knowledge of the Constitution:
>> Here's the link: http://DontTreadOnMeMovie.com/quiz.html
REALITY REPORT #50 - Giving it back to Mexico?
>> Here's the link: http://realityreport.blip.tv/file/3790405/
>> Youtube alternative: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtrWJ0tnzhM

REALITY REPORT #49 - Exclusive: Chicago Terror Drill Footage
REALITY REPORT #48 - Bilderberg Treads On Us
>> Youtube alternative: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1wTDf0imCA

REALITY REPORT #47 - Mass Tea Party Attack
>> Here's the link: http://realityreport.blip.tv/file/3701791/
>> Youtube alternative: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7c4L63jQxrE

Camp FEMA: American Lockdown - FULL MOVIE
>> Here's the link: http://realityreport.blip.tv/file/3661748/
>> Youtube alternative: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHzcGfUgtzE

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>> Here's the link: http://RestoreTheRepublic.net/login.php
>> Not a Member yet: http://RestoreTheRepublic.net
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Remember, Harold, we're not funded by big
pharma nor do we get our talking points from the
major parties... we get it from you!
In Freedom,