I found it telling that the Taliban chose the BBC as its propaganda conduit to declare it sees no reason to talk to NATO. John Simpson, that doyen of fairness and impartiality, was the point man in this exercise, and as he gushes the Taliban believe they are winning the war so why bother talking? What annoys me most about this is not the way in which Simpson and the rest of the BBC rush to broadcast Taliban propaganda (That's par for the course) but rather the impact this sort of story has on the families of those brave men and women serving their country in Afghanistan. It's the drip drip drip of BBC manufactured defeatism that so enrages me. Fighting the savages in the Taliban is one thing but countering the PR the BBC afford them is quite another. From where I sit, the BBC are the enemy within and every time our military goes into action the BBC will not be far behind them, undermining their every action. I see the BBC is doing everything possible to big up Jamie Oliver given Andrew Lansley's polite but accurate observation that the Nanny State is not our friend and that Oliver's army of dinner ladies serving his "healthy" meals was less than successful. Israel’s image is being buried by an avalanche of negative reporting, which spans the whole gamut from the severe to the subliminal. I recall when Labour introduced the car scrappage scheme. The BBC were to the fore in promoting how enlightened this idea was. This morning I listened to this item on the BBC in which it suggested that the car scrappage scheme was not a good idea. The BBC dances both sides of the argument to suit its OWN political bias. When Labour did things they were good, if the Coalition seeks to emulate any aspect of these things, it is bad. Simple meme. Well, it was inevitable that the BBC would start cooing when Ken Clarke takes the same line that has been pushed for years by the likes of the Howard League. The "Prison doesn't work" meme is recurrent and now that there is aConservative Justice Secretary with uber-liberal values, we can expect him to get an easy ride. I note that David Green from Civitas got an outing to dispute the Clarke roll-over just before 9am - when listener-ship numbers tumble.
>> THURSDAY, JULY 01, 2010
>> WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30, 2010
HARDto take
The wholesale acceptance of the so-called Palestinian narrative, and near total rejection of the Israeli one, questioning Israel’s right to exist, the interminable, repetitive reiteration of the number of Palestinian casualties compared with what they apparently regard as pitifully few Israeli ones that’s tacked on to almost every article. All told this makes the rehabilitation of Israel in the eyes of the world seem hopeless.
Palestinian grievances cast a sort of white noise, which surrounds the subject and blots out everything else. Any smidgeon of favourable news that does manage to penetrate this auditory barrier is met with cynicism and suspicion and dismissed as propaganda.
The BBC, under an obligation to be impartial, has taken many years to skew the balance-point. Perceived impartiality, which is in the eye of the beholder, has come to rest way off centre. To stay within the BBC charter, the goal posts have been moved a mile.
Sarah Montague, who often lets her personal left-wing anti-Israel leanings hang out, was an odd choice to interview Ken O’Keefe on HARDtalk. She probably landed the job after a rare interview she did while suddenly overcome by common sense. Overwhelming evidence had finally emerged about the truth behind the flotilla, and she grilled the female peace activist Sarah Colborne till she was toast.
Did the HARDtalk producer choose to pit her against O’Keefe hoping for a bit of controversy and sensation, the one BBC interviewer who would get sparks flying?
So she grilled him, but lightly; and the sparks flew, but not on the programme.
Hundreds of websites were ignited by HARDtalk, furious over what they saw as their hero’s interrogation by that BBC Zionist whore.
The ratio of supporters to critics of our deranged peace activist - is about .....hundreds to three. Hundreds love him, and about three people think he’s nuts.
Tattooed peace activist O’Keefe is a self-styled one-man provocateur, inciter, manipulator, self promoter, instigator of human shield activism, and US traitor. Bizarrely, he seems to have had something to do with CBeeBIES at one time. Not sure what, exactly. Just the man to entertain the kiddies.
People who are incensed if Israel even gets a mention on the air in any capacity other than as the spawn of Satan, people who regard balance as a matter of allocating wall-to-wall air-time to Palestinian victimhood and hardship, while depriving Israel of the oxygen of publicity altogether - these are the people who complain that the BBC is pro-Israel. They are the ones who tip the balance right off the scale, allowing the BBC to tell itself they’ve got it about right.
‘we get complaints from both sides, so we must be doing something right. ‘ they declare, in their complacent ignorance.
O’Keefe is clearly mentally unbalanced, and if anyone should be deprived of the oxygen of publicity, it’s him. Or as the late Linda Smith once said of someone equally repulsive, “ He shouldn’t even be given the oxygen of oxygen.”HAMAS HUMANITARIAN TARGETED
BBC headline "Israeli air strike kills Palestinian man" Sounds like the Israelis have once again targeted and killed an innocent man, who was just minding his own business. Most likely a humanitarian? Nasty Israelis. Only read a bit further- they targetted militants who had just fired a rocket into Israel. Why does the headline not read "Israeli airstrike kills Palestinian terrorist" ? We all know why, don't we?
Thursday, 1 July 2010
As spotted by a B-BBC readers..
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Britannia Radio