Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Thomas Jefferson and Logic
If in our schools, in 2010, logic as a distinct subject has been reduced to paltry terms, how are students able to grasp the majestic nature of freedom, as expressed in the Declaration? How are they able to understand that living in freedom is more than vaguely drifting from one slogan to another, one addled piece of political rhetoric to another?........
by Jon Rappoport

Disarming America
A determined campaign is being waged in the United States that is perpetuated by the Godless humanists who endeavor, at the leading of Satan the greatest criminal mind in the Universe, to pave the way to a sheer control of the people and to establish the United States as a constituent of a one-world order. This campaign is directed at a disarming of the people that they might be deprived of the tools to resist or challenge tyrannical totalitarian governance.......
by Sheriff Jim Schwiesow

A Very Taxing Process
After fighting what I believed was an unconstitutional federal income tax, six years ago I capitulated, filed returns, and have since then, paid $120,054 in combined state and federal income taxes (including the interest and penalties). At the time, I was also working toward a settlement with the IRS. What derailed this settlement process was becoming a target for an audit. My experiences provide a case study of why we need to get rid of the income tax on wages and salaries......
by Phil Hart