Tuesday, 13 July 2010


WND News for Bloggers

Wait and Switch

Author condemns NAACP's 'tactic' of
attacking 'racism' of tea parties
as news of its role in voter intimidation
case surfaces


WASHINGTON (July 12, 2010) – Following stunning allegations of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People lobbying the Justice Department to not prosecute New Black Panther Party members who were videotaped on Election Day, 2008, clad in black and “guarding” a polling place with a nightstick, the civil rights organization is responding by formally repudiating racism in the Tea Parties.”


“The hypocrisy of such conceit is galling,” says Erik Rush, the author of a new top-selling book on racial politics titled, “Negrophilia: From Slave Block to Pedestal – America’s Racial Obsession.” 

“There is no racism in the tea party movement,” says Rush, “and any condemnation or intimation that there is by the NAACP or any other organization is simply part and parcel of their political imperative regarding the social balkanization of America. These assertions (pertaining to the tea party) are lies, and those proffering them know it.” 

The 101st NAACP Convention currently taking place in Kansas City picked up steam today with a speaking engagement by Michelle Obama – appearing in lieu of the president.

Scheduled for vote on Tuesday by attending delegates, the resolution, reports the Kansas City Star, calls “all people of good will to repudiate the racism of the Tea Parties, and to stand in opposition to its drive to push our country back to the pre-civil rights era.”
“It is also monumentally hypocritical for anyone – whether it is the president, the NAACP, or the first lady – to speak to race at all at this juncture, given this administration's role in deepening racial tensions in America and its lack of evenhandedness in addressing issues concerning race,” adds Rush.

The Philadelphia Inquirer's editorial staff recently labeled Rush a "persistent hater" for calling Obama and Attorney General Eric Holders racists in light of recent testimony revealing the Justice Department's alleged "hostility" to cases with black defendants and white victims. 

To interview Erik Rush, or to receive review copies
please contact Tim Bueler at (530) 401-3285
or email media@wnd.com

“Persistent haters like Erik Rush, author of 'Negrophilia: From Slave Block to Pedestal, America's Racial Obsession', are actually accusing Obama of racism,” the Inquirer editorial states. “As evidence they cite the Justice Department's decision not to pursue a Philadelphia voter-intimidation case involving a group called the New Black Panther Party. …(T)he scale of justice must be applied appropriately, and here it appears that it was. Attempts to inflate the incident to bash Obama must be seen for what they are. And the NAACP meeting would be a good setting for Obama to address that.”
Rush made the charge after former Justice official J. Christian Adams’ recent testimony to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights.
Adams cited the Election Day, 2008, case involving members of the New Black Panther Party who were videotaped guarding the entrance of a Philadelphia polling place clad in black fatigues and wielding a club. The Obama administration at first followed up on the Bush administration’s initial prosecution of the case but dismissed it in May 2009 – a month after three members of the party failed to appear in court.
alleged the NAACP as lobbying in March 2009 to have the case dismissed.
Rush sparked a national fervor when he exposed the anti-American ravings of President Obama’s longtime minister and then “spiritual adviser,” the Rev. Jeremiah Wright.  With “Negrophilia,” published by WND Books, charting in the top 5 of Amazon categories on African Americans and Discrimination & Racism, Rush has adopted a Glenn-Beck-style blackboard approach toward revealing the intents and tactics of the "professional race-baiters who seek to manipulate, intimidate and subjugate Americans of every color – even and especially from the highest offices in the land.”
Race-baiters’ unseen tool is negrophilia, says Rush, "an undue and inordinate affinity for blacks," combined with the "reflexive demonization of whites as inherently wicked." It’s rooted in leftist tactics of division and aimed at advancing policies that keep blacks "obedient," whites "silent" and "political control” secure.

Erik rush, author of 'Negrophelia' About the Author

Born in New York City in 1961, from 1975 to 1985 columnist and author Erik Rush was a club, stage and studio musician. He's also been involved in biomedical research, sales, marketing and media production.


Rush was the first to break the story of President (then Senator) Barack Obama's ties to militant Chicago preacher Rev. Jeremiah Wright on a national level in February of 2007.

He writes columns of sociopolitical fare for WorldNetDaily as well as dozens of nationally-distributed print and online news sources. He's appeared on Fox News, CNN, and is a veteran of a copious number of radio appearances and speaking engagements.

Rush's other titles include:

  • The Angels Fell
  • It's the Devil, Stupid! Our Real Enemy and Why We Don't Talk About Him
  • Annexing Mexico: Solving the Border Problem Through Annexation and Assimilation—which won the 2007 New York Book Festival "Best Nonfiction" category.